Saturday, February 1, 2014

Well, Here She Is . . .

That project I've been working on the last week or two and haven't told you much about.  I'm calling her Jersey Rose.

This began with a Schnibbles pattern--in fact, it's the January selection for the AYOS (Another Year of Schnibbles) group over at the Pink Pincushion and A Quilting Life blogs--called Jersey Girl.  The background I used is a very light yellow--I didn't really like the way a white or cream looked for some reason, so I went with the pale yellow.  All of the green "leaf" fabric and all of the fabric for the roses were from my scrap bins.

Here's what the blocks looked like before the roses were added--this is pretty much what the pattern was, although these blocks don't have the sashing or border strips:

And here's a single block:

I'm really looking forward to the Schnibbles parade to see what other quilters have done with this quilt pattern.  JoAnne of The Patriotic Quilter blog made hers into fall leaves and you can see it HERE.

I've learned that this month's Schnibbles parade is postponed until Monday, though, so I have the weekend to try to get it quilted and show a finished project.  I'll let you know if I'm successful!  In the meantime, I'm posting Mister Linky for Scrap Basket Sunday so if my scrappy quilt has inspired you in any way, you can sign up when you're ready to show us what you made!

By the way, do you want to know how to make the roses? If I have time this weekend, I'll make another rose and take some photos along the way--unfortunately I didn't do that while I was making this quilt. Happy stitching!


  1. So clever. I would love to see how you created your Rose!

  2. I don't usually comment, but often read your blog. I LOVE your Jersey Rose quilt! What a wonderful interpretation of the pattern!

  3. Wow, Kim, what a fabulous take on this pattern! I love it! I sure would like a little tutorial on how you did the roses!

  4. Your version of the Jersey Rose is gorgeous!!! And yes! Please show how you did it!!! Thanks!

  5. Great ideas, as always.

  6. You are so creative. I love it with the roses.

  7. Wow! Just... wow! I didn't recognize it as Jersey Girl until you mentioned it! Are you going to share about the roses? My mouth dropped open when you mentioned my version, too! Thanks!

  8. I love the way you took that quilt to a whole new level. Your roses are amazing, I would love to see a step by step if you can, but I realize that would be a lot of work on your part. Perhaps one more block could be made into a pillow to go with the quilt? Thanks for sharing!

  9. Oh how pretty this is! Are the roses appliqued on top of the pieced blocks?

  10. Wow, it looks great! I will appreciate to see how you made the roses. Thanks.

  11. Your version of Jersey Girl just blows my mind! How clever and lovely that is! Brilliant.

  12. Yes please for a how to do it on the roses.
    Love your choices of colors in each color way

  13. The roses are such a clever and beautiful addition to the quilt! I would love to see how you did it.

  14. What a creative variation on the original! Can you post a tutorial on how you made the rose centers? Are they appliqued to the pieced background?

  15. How in the world did you make those roses?? Creative to the ultimate! It's beautiful! Florence

  16. How creative!! You did an excellent job and raised the quilt to a new height. I think I know how you made the roses = it will be fun to see if you did it the way I made mine. Love to see your work!!

  17. How clever you are! This quilt just took on a whole new look. Thanks for the great tutorial!

  18. P.s. I left a link in your post, because my Jersey Girl was made totally from scraps from my grand daughter's quilt.

  19. I'm a little slow this week linking up. Posted my lamb baby quilt made from vintage fabric with a contemporary design.
    I love your quilt posts!!!


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