Saturday, February 8, 2014

Monuments Men

I saw it.  I loved it.  Go see it this weekend.  You'll be grateful to me.  If you want my address to send me thank you gifts afterward, let me know.


  1. We went to see it last night - it was really good. Great cast and what a great story - loved it!

  2. Going to see Nebraska today, will put this on the list for next week.

  3. I was at the Century at 4:00...when did you go? We loved it, too.

  4. Plan to go but must wait for the crowds to thin. Maybe next weekend.

  5. The Sacramento Bee didn't give it a very good review but I've learned to ignore reviews for the most part. My husband and I will be seeing it for sure!

  6. We really liked the movie. It is part of history that we had no knowledge of. We have learned to, to not trust the reviews. Loved that it did not have any swearing or graphic killing scenes. :-)

  7. Hi I'm going to see it Tuesday and looking forward to it.

  8. Saw this movie Saturday night and LOVED it.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!