Thursday, January 16, 2014

It's Anna's Fault . . .

If you don't want to be tempted to buy stuff and if you have plenty of projects and don't want any more, click away now. But if you do read through and it causes you to spend some money, you should know that Anna's to blame.  Yes, I know you'll want to blame me, but Anna's at the root of it

A little bit before Christmas, I popped over to visit Anna at her Woolie Mammoth blog, and she was sponsoring some giveaways.  But what really got my attention was her completed Country Homecoming quilt.  Have you seen it?  Here it is--

Do you remember this blog quilt-along Anne of Cottons 'n Wool hosted awhile back?  I started to play along, using brighter fabrics, and then I decided I wasn't all that excited about my houses.  Anna's finished quilt got me excited again, and I've had some homespun fabrics set aside for a little while now until I was ready to try again.  I've decided this is one of the projects I'll work on in 2014.  Would you like to join me?  But I'll tell you more about that in a minute.

The other thing Anna did was to show some of her completed projects on the blog posts I looked at and that sent me searching for a few of the patterns I saw there.  And I found The Wooden Acorn Etsy shop--love, LOVE, L-O-V-E that site.  Are you brave enough to take a look?  If so, click HERE.  But don't say I didn't warn you!

Now, if you're interested in joining me in making the Country Homecoming quilt, the pattern is in the book Primitive Gatherings, Quilts and Accessories.  A great book, but if you don't already have it, I'll warn you it's gone up in price in recent years and although Amazon lists some used copies, they aren't cheap.  But if you compare it to the cost of other BOM patterns and consider this is not nearly the only pattern in the book . . . .  Well, let's just say I'm pretty good a justifying spending money, and I think you see where I'm going with this argument.  Here's what the book looks like if you want to hunt through your quilt books to see if you already own it:

The houses are pieced with just the windows and doors appliqued on and the border applique as well.  I think I might modify the pattern so the windows are also pieced in.  My plan is to make two house blocks a month.  Anna made nine blocks but the pattern has twelve total, so that's six months of houses and then another month or two to work on the border applique.  Email me if you want to join in and we'll set up a schedule.  In the meantime, here's a list of people who participated in Anne's original quilt along and links to some of their project posts if you'd like to take a look:

Sandy and Anne (Sandy doesn't have a blog, so Anne shared her photo)
Sandy R.

I'll post photos of my first two blocks sometime before the end of January.


  1. I'm in. I have the book. I also have the homespuns for the quilt on the cover. It's not started either.... Should I start also for January or are you starting in Feb?

  2. This quilt is such fun to make. Mine is hanging on the wall in my sewing room. Love it. Have fun!!

  3. I'm in too. I just ordered the book!


  4. I was patient and actually got the book on amazon at the original list price a couple of months ago...there was another listed on eBay last week at the list price (23.95) last week...don't know if some lucky girl has snapped it up yet!
    I'd love to join in too! I told myself I can't start a new project til Feb though...I also downloaded those cute snowball faces yesterday!
    You also mentioned Comfort & Joy the other day...the pattern is waiting for me to bust it open! I soooo loved watching all the versions of it come to life!

  5. Thanks for the mention! My quilt is hanging over the Bannister!

  6. Hang in there and keep making the blocks. I know they aren't the prettiest of blocks when they are under construction, but I promise you that once you start the borders it all comes together. This was the hardest quilt to stay focused on and I know for sure that if I hadn't hosted the quilt-a-long, it would be a UFO. Now it's one of my favorite quilts.

  7. Hi Kim~
    I would love to join everyone on this quilt-a-long! I actually had the book when Anne hosted the Country Homecoming and I thought about joining her at that time, but I didn't own one piece of homespun fabric and wasn't sure how it would piece compared to cottons….anyway was a bit nervous about it and, longgggg story short, I now have quite a bit of homespun fabric, I have the book, and I think joining you-all would be motivating, not to mention fun, with a wonderful quilt to have at the end of the timeframe.

  8. I already own the book, I think it was a birthday present a few years ago...I know I have all the fabric needed in my stash, but I need to start another project like I need another hole in my head. What the heck, count me in!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!