Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Getting Caught Up: Another Little Project Done

Over the weekend, I finished another little project.  I thought this one would be quick, and it was!

A friend of mine--the same one who I kitted up the Vintage Christmas quilt for--went to a local quilt show in November and bought a small standing frame and a little kit.  She showed me what she'd purchased, and when I went to the same quilt show the next day, I bought the same standing frame, but I bought a different kit--a snowman.

She and I are so dangerous for one another; I'm sure each of us would have a lot more money in our bank accounts if the other one wasn't always finding such great treasures!  The two of us together make a very strong economic stimulus package.

This little guy is the January pattern of a BOM by Buttermilk Basin called "Sew" Simple

I tried to find the stand online so I could give you a link in case you "need" it, but I didn't have any luck.  I didn't see it listed at the Buttermilk Basin site, but you could probably contact them to find a source or call the Fabric Garden quilt shop here in Sacramento and ask them--they are the quilt show vendor we purchased ours from.  If you come across a source, please post the info in a comment so anyone else looking for one can purchase it.

As this will be my last post of 2013, I want to thank all of you for stopping by to visit this past year and to wish all of you a happy, quilty, and prosperous New Year! 


  1. Happy New Year and thanks for taking the time to post, it is always fun to read about what you are up to.

  2. http://www.buttermilkbasin.com/shop-online.htm

    Happy New Year!

  3. http://www.pumpkinvinecorner.com/wiredisplay.htm

    Sorry, found this website with mini quilt racks!

  4. Sandy found the same site as I did. I purchased one form my local shop this past year so many quilt shops may be able to special order them. Mine is just metal colored so I may spray paint it. I like your white one better.

  5. Super cute - can't have too many snowmen!

  6. Here are more sources--

    Copper or Gray Metal--


    Silver Metal--




  7. I love Buttermilk Basin patterns and your snowman came out so cute! I may have to take a look at their website again. BTW, your blog, with all of its inspiration, isn't exactly great for my pocketbook! Looking forward to your blog in 2014.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!