Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Winner, Winner . . .

Ah, no chicken dinner, but how about a box of scraps?  The winner this time is Julie in GA, who entered about a week ago and said:

"I hope you got all your chores done on Saturday and have lots of time to quilt today. Count me in on the drawing for the box of scraps--love other people's bits & pieces!"

Over this past weekend, I managed to cut all of the twisted squares for Twisted Jack, but he still needs to be sewn together--not to mention the fact that he'll need to be quilted too.  I need a day or two, I think, to hide in the Sweat Shop and do some serious sewing, but I'm not sure when that will happen.  Ah, well . . . .

Julie, please email me your mailing address, and I'll get a box packed up and in the mail sometime this week.  Happy sewing everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Julie. Can't wait to see your Twister Jack. When I made a twister quilt DH comment seems strange to cut up fabric, sew it together to cut it apart and sew it together again. :D Boys sometimes just don't get it.


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