Saturday, September 14, 2013

Who Am I?

Hello everyone!  I'm glad to "see" you again!  I have to say, though, that it's been a nice few days off blogging.  You all know I've been doing this CrossFit thing, and that's three evenings a week after work.  Besides that, I've been on the exercise bicycle Soccer Son loaned me, usually 40 minutes a night.  Then there's the overtime at work.  And trying to diet means doing a little more planning and food preparation than normal.  Well, all of that stuff, aside from the overtime, is totally alien to my normal schedule.  And when I say "alien," that's kind of what I feel like--like the "real" me has been replaced by an alien.  Since I'm not doing all the things I normally do, I keep wondering, "who IS this person?"

I guess it's time, though, for me to be kind to myself and do things for my own well-being--not necessarily the things I enjoy doing "in the moment," but the things that will make me happier and healthier in the long run.  So, for now, this is my life and my routine.

Part of taking care of myself also involves trying to get a little more sleep every night.  So with all that going on, there's very little time for sewing or blogging--a couple of the things I normally enjoy doing "in the moment."  I think what I may end up doing is blogging on weekends when I have more time, and maybe occasionally blogging on a weeknight if my schedule allows it, or if I have something specific to show you or tell you about.  And I suspect that before too long, once I've reached some level where I'm maintaining my weight rather than actively trying to lose, perhaps I won't need to spend as much time in the gym or on the bicycle, but I'm not sure what the future will look like as far as those things go.  I certainly don't want to slide back into my old bad habits.

I haven't done much in the Sweat Shop this week either--just little bits of time here and there that haven't really resulted in much to show, but maybe I'll get a little more done this weekend.  Again, I'm a little bothered that I haven't started bringing the fall decorations out, and maybe I'll work on that a little bit too, but I'm not sure; we have a few social gatherings to attend this weekend and other things to do--and time always goes by much quicker than expected, and not as much gets accomplished as anticipated, right?  Doesn't that happen to you too?

So, are any of you ready to play with some scraps this weekend?  Remember the giveaway I mentioned last weekend?  I have a big box of my scraps all packed up and ready to send off anywhere in the U.S.--to have a chance to win them, you must do ALL of these things:

1.  Post your current scrap project progress on your blog;
2.  Come back here and link your blog post by entering your name (doesn't have to be your full name) and your blog address to Mister Linky below; and
3.  Leave me a comment telling me you've added your blog to Mister Linky and want to be entered in the drawing.

What if you don't have a blog?  If you'd like to send me a photo of your current scrap project, I'll post it on my blog and enter you for the scrap giveaway.  That's what Louise did--here's her scrappy quilt:

Pretty great, eh?  The red border makes the rest of the quilt pop.

I hope to get a little work done on the Pie in the Sky quilt this weekend--my own scrappy project.  I'm not sure if I'll have anything done to show you by tomorrow night, but maybe I'll sew on Sunday and post what progress I make on Monday's blog post.

As far as the drawing for scraps is concerned, I think I'll draw a winner next Friday night and post the results on my Saturday post--that should give everyone time to get out their scraps, post photos, and enter if they want.  And if you entered last week, you can still enter again, just as long as you post something new.  But you can only enter twice at most, so don't get carried away and post scrap projects every day until the drawing, okay?  (Well, of course you CAN do that, but not for the purpose of entering the drawing more than once a week!)

Enough babbling--you'd think I was trying to make up for the lack of posts this week all at once, wouldn't you?  Here's Mister Linky--


  1. I'm linked and I would love to be included in your fantastic drawing. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Why are Hexies taking over my quiet time now? Don't even know what I will do with them. Now for someone who LOVES scraps why wouldn't I enter your giveaway plus that would mean more hexies!!!! Thank You

  3. I check out your blog once a day and I must say that I've missed you! Your posts usually get me cracking up and starting my day with a laugh - but Congratulations on your great new workout/healthy schedule! Sending you good vibes on keeping on track!!!

  4. Boy, I hear ya! Its amazing how life can get in the way of quilting LOL! I've nothing scrappy or otherwise to post, so skip me for the drawing. Besides I'm a bit overwhelmed by my own scraps, so any more might just make me flip! Good luck with your health goals, Kim.


  5. I've missed reading your blog each morning, but I sooo admire what you are doing for your health. Exercise and eating healthy are two things I hate to do and need to do badly!! I was eating healthy for about six months, but it really hadn't gotten me anywhere in the weight lose department and I got busy and quit. Where did you find the umph to start doing these two things?? I need to find it too!

  6. I'm linked up and would LOVE your scraps! I can relate to your situation... I am one who needs to really zero in a goal to have any shot at being successful. Maintaining focus takes a LOT of effort - good for you!

  7. It is so hard to find time for everything, isn't it? I need to make more of an effort to squeeze in time to exercise. Like you, that will probably mean less time quilting and blogging, but it is important to take care of our health too.
    I have linked up and would love to win your scraps. It is so much fun to play with someone else's fabrics!

  8. I've linked up & would love to give your scraps a nice new home.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!