Thursday, September 5, 2013

Halloween, Cont'd.

Boy, you guys are as torn about what my next Halloween project should be as I am!  You know what, though?  Kigwit mentioned that she's working on another Buttermilk Basin project.  This one:

Yes, I even have that one too--as a KIT even!  I just bought it when I was in Seattle.  ARGH!  (And these projects don't even include the Sew Spooky BOM that I want to continue on.)  So who knows what I'll do?  But whatever it is, I guess sitting in the Sweat Shop shuffling patterns isn't going to get me very far.

I'm finding that exercise is a bit of a road block to productivity too.  Not because I'm too tired to sew after exercise but just that it takes up a lot of time and then I don't feel like there's enough time left to get started on anything--in addition to the fact that I've been putting in a little overtime at work.  So I'm feeling kind of stuck.

My daughter-in-law, the Lovely Wife, came to her first Crossfit class with me tonight and she did well--she has more stamina than I do, that's for sure!  But she whispered to me about 15 minutes into the class, "I don't know if you wanted me to come because you like me or because you hate me!"  Ah, I really DO like her, and I thought it would be something fun for her to try in a very non-threatening, non-competitive environment.  So we'll see how it goes for her.  I was thinking about it and I think one of the reasons I enjoy Crossfit as a form of exercise is because the work out changes each day, so I can't anticipate with dread what I'll have to do later that day.  Odd thinking, I know, but I think it's true!

So back to quilting stuff.  I wanted to ask those of you who have done the Twister Jack pattern about the fabrics you used.  Did you use the same fabrics they used in the pattern, or did you put together your own combinations?  Did you use as much of a variety as the pattern shows?  I've been looking at it and pulling out a few scraps but I'm just not sure.  I have a small FQ bundle of black fabrics from Renee Nanneman/Need'l Love and I probably have a bunch of oranges from her lines but I wonder if I need that variety.  I hate to cut into that many FQs just to get a couple squares from each.  And I think I'm a little overwhelmed by the thought of trying to put together a ton of colors and shades when I'm not sure how it will look in the end.  Input, ladies? What did you do?


  1. Hi Kim, I actually ordered the kit--only second kit I ever bought! I found the variety really made the design pop. There were only 5 blacks if I recall but a lot more oranges, rusts and yellows. As I said in my previous post, I'm using the left over 1" strips to do an angled piano key border. So I think cutting 3.5" off each of your fat quarters would not be too much of an issue. you'd have the majority of the fat quarter left! Just my opinion.

  2. Kim,
    How are you doing on Sew Spooky? I know you started it last year, so will it be done in time to display this year?
    You're the reason I bought that quilt kit, so I'd love to hear your most recent update on it!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!