Thursday, August 1, 2013

I'm Back!

Well, I'm back for a couple days; then we'll be leaving again.  I was planning to post yesterday, but I guess I got a little lazy or something.  And I thought I wanted to download my photos from my camera first so I could see what I wanted to tell you and show you from my trip, but now that I've done that, I'm still not sure what I want to say other than to tell you we had a very nice time but are happy to be home again.

I've still been battling a cold, and although I'm feeling a lot better, I have a horrible cough that's keeping me awake at night.  I'm going to try some Nyquil after I finish writing this to see if it will help me sleep.  I'm off work this week, so I can sleep in and/or nap if need be, and I've been taking advantage of that.

We got home Monday evening and we spent much of Tuesday getting unpacked and putting everything away, doing grocery shopping, etc.  I finally got into the Sweat Shop late on Tuesday and spent part of Wednesday there as well, trying to finish the July Schnibbles quilt, Lincoln.  I wanted to make a baby quilt to keep on hand and I had a bundle of fat quarters from the Doll Babies line by Barbara Jones of QuiltSoup.

With all the pink, this will obviously be a quilt for a baby girl, so I still need to make a quilt using blue fabrics for a boy--maybe I'll do that with the next Schnibbles quilt. And I think I might still want to add a pink border to this one--I have a lot of the pink fabric used in the backgrounds for the stars.  But it's enough for tonight.

I've earmarked Thursday as the day for housecleaning and packing for the next trip.  Our niece is getting married on Saturday, so Hubby and I will leave on Friday for the wedding and return on Sunday night.  I think Spike and Stitch will be disappointed we're leaving again, although Soccer Son and His Lovely Wife have been staying at our house much of the time and taking care of the cats, so they haven't been left alone.

Once again, I won't be able to participate in Scrap Basket Sunday since I'll be gone, although I'll post the sign up list on Saturday, and I have another little treat in store for you so check back in the next day or so.

Now I'm off to try to sleep.  "See" you again tomorrow!


  1. Nice to have you back!!

  2. Missed your daily chat - glad you had a nice trip!

  3. What a lovely quilt for a little girl - I like the star blocks mixed in with the rail fence style blocks.
    Hope you get over your cough and cold soon!

  4. Your Lincoln is so pretty! It will make a wonderful quilt for a girl.

  5. Your Lincoln turned out so pretty--love it!


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