Friday, August 16, 2013

Getting My Orange On!

I've hinted a time or two about starting a new project with a couple of friends and I'm finally ready to show you what it is.


Last year around this time my friend Imelda and I purchased the patterns for Bunny Hill's Pumpkin Pie quilt and had fun "collecting" the fabrics used in the original quilt.  We found out later our friend Shirley had already purchased the pattern AND the fabric kit directly from Bunny Hill, so in theory, we've been ready to start for quite awhile--we just hadn't been able to find the time until now.

The pattern isn't exactly written like a block of the month pattern, but the directions require multiple pumpkins from a handful of different patterns, so I think we're starting with pumpkin #1 and treating it as we would a block of the month quilt.  We haven't really all had a chance to talk about specifics yet, so what I'm guessing will happen may change.

The applique should be reasonable easy with these simple pumpkin shapes.  Here I have my fabrics for the first three pumpkins sorted out . . .

And I've begun to prepare the pieces.

We're meeting at Imelda's house and bringing our own brown-bag dinners this first time because we don't want to spend a lot of time going out to eat, but maybe we will at later meetings.  The idea is that we'll actually SEW when we get together, but sometimes there's a little more chatting than sewing going on.  And when you add eating into the mix, well it's a wonder any quilts are made at all!

I'll show you our progress and tell you about our gatherings as time goes on.  If this quilt has been languishing in your "to do" pile, please pull it out and sew along with us in the virtual world!


  1. Kim,

    Just found a kit to order....have always loved this quilt. Will sew along as soon as I get my kit but would you consider doing a tutorial on those blackbird beaks. I have started doing your method of appliqué but still can't get those points pointy. Guess that's why I never ordered this before.

  2. I may just sew along with you! I have everything all gathered and it has been languishing in my sewing room. I am going to make a slight change in mine which will be a surprise (or not) at the end. Thanks for the inspiration to get going on this project!

  3. I love this quilt! I picked up the kit a couple months ago. I'm not going to join you, but I'll enjoy following your progress ;-) have fun!

  4. you are so inspiring...I am going to keep working on my list of UFO's!

  5. Oh my, ready for fall so soon! I'm in denial that it's so close. You know what that means. Christmas is right around the corner...ugh!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!