Monday, August 5, 2013

Back Again!

We had a nice time at my niece's wedding, but it's sure great to be home again.  Too bad I have to go back to work in the morning, because I could use a couple more days off to recover from my vacation!

First, the pattern giveaway.  As I've mentioned, Monice Moffat designed another excellent pattern and sent one to me for a giveaway.

And  I randomly drew a winner's name from the entries--Claudine M., who said "Glad you had a good time on vacation! Would love to win the pattern since I love all things with pumpkins and a fall theme."  Claudine, please email me your mailing address and I'll send the pattern out to you.

I wanted to tell you a funny little story from the cruise.  You know, I think, that my firm paid for most of our travel as a "reward" for having reached my 20 year anniversary with the firm, and my friend Missy made the travel arrangements.  In doing so, she asked that they celebrate my anniversary during the second day on the cruise, and they did that by posting this "card" on our stateroom door along with some balloons:

Well, of course, they assumed we were celebrating a wedding anniversary and that's okay.  When we came back to our room that night after dinner, we were surprised to find a couple of swans and chocolates waiting for us on our bed.

And while we enjoyed the artistry of these creatures made from towels, after we admired them, we placed them in a chair near the door so they could be collected and taken away by our steward the following day.  And sure enough, that next day when we returned to our stateroom, the chair was empty, but when I pulled open our curtains, Hubby started laughing, because there were those darn swans again!

So I took one and placed him under the bed with his head peeking out, and I took the other one and placed her in the refrigerator/mini bar.  Well, I'm not sure what our cabin steward thought of that because we never did run into him, but those swans stayed in place until the end of our cruise.


  1. We enjoyed our cruise to Bermuda a few years ago. One of the treats was to see the different towel creations each evening!! One night we didn't see one and then we saw it hanging from the curtain rod - monkeys!! Too funny!!!

  2. Welcome home! Glad your travels went well and I grinned at the swan towel adventure! Hubby and I also got a kick out of the towel creatures waiting for us each night. Our favorite was when we found them wearing our sunglasses. Lol

  3. You are lucky, a cruise for 20 years, I'm jealous. I have been at my job for 22 years and received nothing but a job. LOL I might not have received anything but still a good place to work. Love hearing about your cruise.


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