Monday, July 1, 2013

Buy, Buy, Buy!

Sometimes I go a couple months without feeling I need to buy very much quilting stuff.  I've been pretty good the last month or two, in fact.  The mere mention of spring quilt market makes me close my eyes and hum quietly to myself so I'm not tempted by all the new and wonderful fabrics, patterns, and things.  But then there comes a time when I feel I need to buy a lot of stuff, and I think I'm coming into one of those times now!

Remember the scrappy quilt top I mentioned yesterday?  The one I thought I'd get out and quilt soon?  Well, I pulled it out of the quilt-in-waiting basket and laid it out on my bed.  Then I checked my stock of potential backing fabrics and nothing seemed right.  Sure, I could have pieced a bunch of random color blocks for a back, but that seemed like a lot of work; so I let my fingers do the browsing for wide quilt backs on sale and I ordered what I needed--a nice lavender print.  Here's the quilt top I was talking about--it was the result of a scrap basket clean out a couple years ago:

Then, while my fingers were doing that browsing, I thought I might as well order the roll of batting I'd been thinking about ordering, because I only have enough batting for a couple more quilts.  So sometime in the next week or so, a big roll of batting will show up on my porch and a big charge will show up on my Visa statement.  Oh, well, it had to be done, right?  I like to get my batting by the roll--it's less expensive per yard and the rolls last a long time, but it's a big chunk of change to lay out all at once!

I can finally show you the quilting on the last two blocks of the Country Cottages quilt.  For October, I quilted a crescent moon--hard to see but it's near the right side of the sky--along with some wispy clouds and a spider in a web.

And January's block has a background of swirly snow, just like December's block--but they're on opposite ends of the quilt, so it seemed a good balance, somehow.

Now I've gone on to work on the rest of the quilt, and I hope to be able to show you more in the next day or two.

Have a happy Canada Day!


  1. Kim, where do you buy your backings? I'm in need of a few.

  2. Beautiful!! Do you do any quilting in your borders on this quilt?

    Also, in your quiling swirls do you start and stop for each swirl?

  3. The quilt top is gorgeous! I just love scrappy quilts that are so colorful! Your quilting is really fun too. I really like when each block gets it own unique quilting, it really enhances the theme of the block.

  4. I love your quilting designs in each block. I can't wait to see the complete top finished.

    That's a great idea getting your batting by the roll, especially if you do your own quilting. Most of the time when I need a certain size the fabric store doesn't have it in stock. This way you won't have to worry about that. Although it's a huge chunk of change, at least it will save you money in gas driving all over town trying to find what you need. I have such a nice way of justifying large expenses. lol

  5. I can't wait to see this finished quilt!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!