Monday, June 17, 2013


I hope your family had an enjoyable Father's Day.  I escaped to the Sweat Shop a couple times throughout the day but mostly I spent time doing this and that and cooking for my Hubby.  Soccer Son and I made a nice dinner; Soccer Son manned the barbecue and I produced the side dishes.  I actually tried to make Hubby a nice breakfast too, but the dish I made didn't quite turn out right; still, he ate it and said it tasted pretty good to him even if I did overcook it a little bit.  What a sweetie!

Most of the time, Hubby and I don't exchange gifts on holidays and birthdays--nothing big, anyway.  But for Father's Day I gave him a Kindle Fire, just like the one he bought me for Christmas the year before last.  Now when we go on our cruise to Alaska, we'll each have plenty of reading material without having to pack a bunch of books and magazines.

Although my sewing time was limited today, just before it was time to shut everything down for the night, I finished the Dulcinea Schnibbles quilt top:

I like this one!  I'm looking forward to quilting it too--it would be nice to have it done before the 4th of July, wouldn't it?  I have a couple of small piecing projects and then I'll see if I can get it pin basted and quilted.  Now it's time to head to bed--it's back to work in the morning.


  1. Very cute and so festive for Fourth of July!

  2. Oh, slam dunk! Great idea to use patriotic colors and have yourself a new wall hanging before the 4th!

  3. Looks great! I so adore red, white and blue quilts!

  4. Great seasonal quilt .. without looking "overly" patriotic. The border evokes (to me, anyway) nautical flags. Very pretty!

  5. This looks fantastic! All your points match perfectly and it's a beautiful patriotic piece for your festive home

  6. It really looks wonderful :-) Very patriotic :-)


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