Saturday, June 15, 2013

Can You Come Out To Play?

I realize Sunday is Father's Day and many of us will be busy celebrating with our hubbies (cooking stuff for the BBQ and cleaning up afterward while he dozes in the recliner), so perhaps you won't be able to participate in Scrap Basket Sunday.  Or maybe you'll have a little time while he does something extremely manly that us girls can't (don't want to) do.  If it turns out that you're able to work on a scrappy project after all, please take a photo or two for your blog and add your blog link to Mister Linky.

A friend asked me a couple weeks ago why she had to keep signing up every week, and I told her that Scrap Basket Sunday is more of a drop-in program rather than a life-time commitment.  Participate when you're able and if you don't have something to show one week, there's no penalty--just don't add your name to the link list.  And join in anytime--if you haven't played with us so far, you're always welcome to join whenever you have something.  The idea is that if each of us shows what scrappy project we're involved in, other quilters who might have more scraps than ideas about what to do with them could find that perfect project.  I know I've found a couple "want to make" patterns.  I love the string quilts, so those are high on my list, and I find this block pattern kind of compelling too:

So link when you can if you're just a spordic scrapper, or keep coming back to link every week if you're prolific--all scrappers are welcome!


  1. I've seen that block before and searched for a tutorial. Thanks for sharing. One of these years, I'll start on that one also.

  2. GREAT Scrappy block Kim!
    I've had to take a break the past few weeks due to a deadline, but I enjoy popping in to see what everyone else is up to. I'll be back to participating again next week!

  3. Starting a new project since I finished my quilt that I started last Suday.

  4. I really like that block too, looks like fun to make. So many temptations...


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!