Saturday, May 4, 2013

Scrap Basket Sunday Sign-ups

Below is the Mister Linky sign up for Scrap Basket Sunday.  Once you have your scrappy blocks or project ready to show on your blog, please sign up by adding your name and a link to your blog--you can link to your main blog address or the specific blog post where you've posted your project (if you know how to do that).  Then when we need a break from sewing our scraps together, we can come visit you to see what you've done.

Before I give you Mister Linky, though, I wanted to announce the winner of the random drawing for the Picnic Schnibbles quilt pattern:  Congrats, Amy!  Amy said, "Caption for the third picture is a quote by James Herriot:  Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.  Love Mr. Stitches' attitude as he awaits his dinner. I'd love to picnic with him (and win your pattern...)"  Amy, email me your mailing address and I'll put the pattern in the mail to you next week.

By the way, Mr. Stitch is sitting here next to me as I type, again awaiting his dinner.  It's funny how affectionate and attentive he can get when he's hungry!


  1. This sounds like fun... I'll have to see if I can find some fabric somewhere to start a scrap quilt (just kidding)... I gave away two bags of scraps yesterday because my scrap bin was overflowing.

  2. I have been watching and you are such an inspiration to work out of my box. Thanks.

  3. Worked on something a little different this week. Some scrap flannel blocks. Now that I have 2 big projects going just hope I can find my mojo to keep going. Just have not been in the mood to sew much lately.

  4. I love seeing everyone's projects, including yours.

  5. I finished the middle of a BOM and am currently comtemplating the borders.

    Stitch should meet Max. They are two of a kind.....



Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!