Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Just Couldn't Wait

I've talked before about the older Thimbleberries BOM I'm working on with the local Thimbleberries Club.  Most months, when I come home from our club meeting, I spend the rest of the evening making the next month's block.  Well, tomorrow night is our club meeting, and as I was getting my things together to take with me tonight, I looked at the block I made last month (a basket block) and looked ahead to the June block, and I decided I didn't want to wait until tomorrow night to make the next block.  I won't take it with me to Thimbleberries this month because I don't want to get ahead of myself and I have the basket block to show, but I'll show you.

I love this color combination--it looks so nautical!  Just right for June.

As I was making this block with my Thimbleberries scraps, it occurred to me that many block of the month patterns are perfect for scraps.  Are you familiar with Lori Smith's pattern company From My Heart to Your Hands?  She has some really excellent patterns for using scraps like this one called Quilt Block Sampler:

I guess I started thinking about it because one of the Thimbleberries Club ladies has been working on these blocks and they're terrific!  Each of the blocks finishes at 7", if I recall correctly.  You can explore Lori's patterns HERE--look around at all the wonderful things she has.  If samplers look too jumbled to interest you, she has a lot of other patterns you might like better.  Here are two more of my favorites:

And yes, this next one has applique, but the right border fabric would do the job almost as well, for those of you who don't like applique.

Happy sewing!


  1. Thanks for posting the picture of the sampler. I've made all 111 Farmer's Wife blocks and wanted to do something different with them. This just may be the inspiration I needed to finish the quilt.

  2. I made the sampler quilt as a store sample several years ago, but I didn't get to keep it. I'd like to make it again for myself. I have the other two patterns you've shown and they are on my to-do list. I'm going to have to live to be 300 to finish all the quilts I have on my list.

  3. I love Lori's patterns... have a#@!load of them with fabric ready to go!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!