Friday, April 5, 2013

Ladies, Start Your (Sewing Machine) Engines!

I've decided it's time for me to get a little quilting done.  Remember that basket of unfinished quilt tops I mentioned yesterday?  Well, no, perhaps I won't get all of those done, but I'm at least going to make a start on a few.  In particular, I've had two Schnibbles quilts pin basted for a long, LONG time now--probably over a year.  And I thought that before I started yet another Schnibbles quilt top, I'd get those two quilted.  Here's the first one:

The pattern is called George:

I made George back in July 2011--almost two years ago!  If you click HERE, you can see that post with the quilt top up on the design wall.  You may recall, if you've been reading that long, that I posted a poll to help me decide which fabric to use as a border--the border was in addition to the pattern as shown above.  There was a yellow and white wide stripe and a red and white narrower stripe; the red and white stripe won.

Tonight I stenciled and quilted a design into the centers of the 16 churn dash blocks (if you click on my photo to enlarge it, you might be able to see the pattern) but I'm not sure what I'll do with the rest.  I was thinking about a secondary stenciled pattern where the block corners come together, but there's sashing between some of the blocks that breaks up that area--and it probably wouldn't really enhance the quilt pattern itself anyway.  I think I'll stitch around the churn dash shapes and then think of something I can use to fill in the rest of the open space.  And I have no idea what I'll do in the outer striped border--any suggestions for quilting a stripe like that?  (Click the link above to see the border better.)  Just quilt following the stripes?

You know I haven't been posting a Saturday blog on Friday nights, but I will post a Mr. Linky list for those of you who have scrap blocks to show on your blogs on Scrap Basket Sunday, so please come back and add your name if you're ready to share them.

Finally, I've been meaning to tell you that last weekend Hubby and I went with our friends to see the movie The Call with Hallie Berry.  Before going, I read some reviews that said the movie was completely predictable.  Seriously, I read a lot of similar stuff and I didn't know what was going to happen from moment to moment.  I also read several reviews that said it was the best suspense movie the reviewer had ever seen.  I think that might be a little bit of a stretch, but I enjoyed it.  In fact, I'd give it a B+.  I told my friend Lisa that we could go only go if she promised not to scream, but she broke her promise within the first half hour.  Still, the movie was good enough that I could overlook a random scream or two.  If you're looking for a movie to see this weekend and like suspense, check out The Call.


  1. I loved that Churn Dash /Schnibbles pattern! It will be so nice to have it quilted... maybe even have it ready for Memorial Day?!? I am looking forward to SBS! Thanks again Kim for getting me motivated!

  2. Good for you getting your George quilt all quilted up. I still have yet to get my quilted. It's nice to go out to the movies. Not sure my husband would be interested in the Hallie Berry movie, I'll get it when it comes out to rent. I think my husband wants to see Bruce Willis in GI Joe.

  3. Beautiful quilt! I love Miss Rosie's patterns and especially the Schnibbles. Your fabrics are so pretty.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!