Tuesday, March 12, 2013

That's My Boy!

You know, of course, that Soccer Son plays soccer.  And I think the last time I talked about his soccer endeavors, he was playing for a local professional arena (indoor) soccer team, the Sacramento Surge.  Well, that lasted for a couple of months and he became dissatisfied with the way things were going--this was a new expansion team and it just wasn't what he expected when he joined.  Around that time, he was invited to join a team that was part of the same overall national soccer organization but at a semi-pro (premiere) level.  Joining that team meant he would have to travel some distance to and from games and practices, but he liked the team and was offered a modest compensation package that made joining a little more attractive to him than remaining a part of the other team.

So fast forward to now.  The semi-pro team he's been playing for is based in the Oakland/Alameda area and is called Bladium Rosal.  They ended their regular season and moved on to the division play offs in San Diego--Hubby took Soccer Son to the airport last Thursday and will pick him up again tomorrow morning.  (Soccer Son is number 13 near the center of the bottom row.)

The initial play offs consisted of three games; they tied the first two and won the third.  That was enough to move them on to the national quarter finals.  They won that game and moved on to the semi finals.  They won again and went to the championship game against the Colorado Blizzard.  And guess what?

Victory!  National champions.  But you probably figured that out from the title of my post, right?

Oh, and here's a photo of Soccer Son in action that I picked off the league's website:

That's him on the ground in black.  I don't know how he did personally yet as far as goals, etc.; I'll have to wait until he gets back to town to find out.  When Hubby and I talked to him on the phone after we saw the trophy pose on his Facebook page, the professional championship game had just ended, and the San Diego Sockers took that win, so you can imagine how loud it was in the Valley View Casino Center.  Hard to really talk.  But isn't it nice when we see our kids do well in something they love?  Congratulations Bladium Rosal and Pat Powers!  Woo-hoo!


  1. Congrats to your son and his team! Being a proud mama is one of the benefits of parenthood!!

  2. Thats our boy! (Because you know he belongs to all of us in the family, when he does good.) Go Pat!!!

  3. YES, YES, YES. Go Soccer Son!!!!!!!!!

  4. Congratulations to your son! Awesome, way to go! (even if they did beat Colorado - LOL!)

  5. My soccer-finatic husband played in high school (before anyone knew soccer was a sport!), coached in a red league for 15 years and played until he tore his Achillies (playing indoor soccer) at age 53. We were season ticket holders for the Sac Knights indoor team when we lived 60 miles away, yet attended every game and the cost of our "soccer channel" package with DirecTV is hefty! Hubby was duly impressed when I read him your post. Congratulations to your Soccer Son!

  6. Best feeling in the world is to see your child excel in something that they love. Congrats to him!!

    Cindy in SC

  7. Hi Kim! Congrats to your son and his team! We are headed to the Missouri Comets game tonight. They are playing the first game of the MISL Championship series. My niece's boyfriend is the goalkeeper Danny Waltman. We love him and love watching him play. Go Comets

    Barbara Lanning


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