Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Sometimes I wonder whether I could become agoraphobic.  It's not that I have a fear of going out in public but simply that it's very easy for me to stay home for days on end.  And left to my own hermit-like devices for a long period of time, would I eventually start to feel uneasy when I DID venture out?  Well, I don't suppose I'll ever know since I'm sure I'll be forced to leave the house to go to work into the foreseeable future, but can you believe I came home from work Friday night and I still haven't gone out again since except to walk down to the mailbox a couple times?

I added the borders to the house quilt today--and, by the way, I found fabric I liked in my stash, so I didn't need to go out to the quilt shop.  I used a jumbo blue rick rack between the sashing and outer border.

I was thinking I might pin it for quilting tomorrow, but maybe not.  I already have another quilt pinned and if I decide to test my arm out on a quilting project, I suppose I can try that one.  My arm seems a little better today, I think, but it might also be that I just didn't use it as much.

I've almost gotten all the things done around the house that I wanted to do while I was off work.  I just have a couple things left to tackle tomorrow.  Most of my Easter things are out, and I'll get a couple photos to share in the next few days.  Do you remember the creepy bunnies?  I unpacked them this year and they're sitting on the bench in the Wild Child's former bedroom.  Oddly enough, when I came out of the Sweat Shop tonight and checked on our two cats, both of them were sleeping in the same room with them; one on the bed and one on the floor by the bench.  I guess the cats don't think the bunny pair are creepy at all!

I'll be meeting a couple friends late in the day tomorrow, so I suppose I'll finally have to leave the house.  I guess it had to happen someday!


  1. I love to stay home, too. I try to plan my days off so that I don't even have to leave the house. It leaves a lot more time for quilting that way when the day isn't all chopped up with errands, etc.

    Love your houses!

  2. I know what you mean about not leaving the house. I'm not afraid to, either, but I sure am happy at home. I have days when I don't even go to the mailbox. I LOVE when I have a whole day with nothing making me leave. I call them "slipper days" because I can wear my slippers all day long and never have to put shoes on! I love the bird fabric on the quilt. Ric Rac makes my heart go pitter pat, so I love that, too!

  3. I started laughing when I read your post. My husband is similar he can stay home and be happy as a clam, me not so much. He recently came home from a quick business trip to Asia . He arrived home Friday morning and didn't leave our house until the second Saturday of being home. He didn't even go out to the garage. He did have a nasty cold and worked from home. I kind of forced him to go to a movie with our daughter and then go out dinner afterward. I could never do it. I had gal bladder surgery in November, I think I spent 4 days at home before I was itching to get out. I wish that I could be so content at home.

  4. Hi Kim - being a big fan of bird fabric, I have to ask how old your border fabric is and wonder whether I'd have a chance of finding some out there somewhere. I'd appreciate any info you can provide. Love your little quilt!

  5. Do you sleep? I love your houses... they look so whimsical. I can't wait to see more Easter decor of yours. (After St. Patty's day) right? Hope you have a fun day "out of the house".


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