Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Heart-Filled Bath--Lush-ous!

Do you love baths or do you know someone who does?  Boy, have I got the perfect gift for you--or the person you know!

On my birthday last July, a couple of my friends who knew I like to take baths surprised me with a gift of three bath bombs from Lush Cosmetics.  And you may remember that when I went to Carmel by the Sea with two other friends last March, we visited the Lush store there and I came home with two bath bombs.  Well, I did what I think a lot of us do:  I put all of those bath bombs away under the sink in my bathroom to use on "special occasions."  How many times do we put some of our best, most treasured things away to use only on special occasions?

When I started my new Friday night ritual of going out to dinner with Hubby, followed by a relaxing bath, a couple of Tylenol PM, and early to bed with a good book, I decided it was about time to start USING those bath bombs because Friday nights ARE special.  And those bath bombs have proven to be a delicious surprise!

That first Friday night, I dropped a bath bomb into my bath and the air was filled with a romantic, relaxing scent.  I luxuriated in the hot water, letting myself melt and my memories of the work week evaporate along with the rising steam.

On the second Friday night, I dropped another bath bomb into my bath.  That bath bomb proved to be filled with a softening, moisturizing bath oil.  By the time I got out of the bath, my skin felt wonderfully silky and smooth.

One of the most delightful things about these bath bombs is that I have absolutely no idea what the bomb will do when I drop it into the tub since I've long ago forgotten what I chose in March and I don't know what my friends picked for my birthday--none of these bombs are labeled in any way, although I suspect I COULD find out what they are if I wanted--but why spoil the fun?

So this past Friday night, the third bath bomb went into the bath, and the water turned pink and frothy with little things floating in it.  I couldn't identify the "things" at first, and I wondered whether they would dissolve if I caught one.  Well, I caught one and rubbed it between my fingers--but it was still there.  Then, I got a better look at what I was holding, and I realized my bathtub was filled with tiny floating hearts!  How cool is THAT?  Maybe THAT's why I was so inspired to play with heart blocks all day on Saturday!

Since I only have two bath bombs left, I'll need to make a trip to Lush sometime soon.  Even if you DIDN'T love baths before, try one with a bath bomb--you may discover a new addiction!


  1. Oh I love bath bombs. I haven't tried the Lush ones yet because I make my own. They are so easy to make but mine don't have fun surprises like floating hearts in them! Wonderful scents and colors yes, but no hearts. That would be a fun addition, especially for my girls. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'll have to try to find them here. When I am really tired and sore from working I love a good hot bubble bath, complete with a cup of tea and a good book. Aaaahhhh!

  3. You said this place is in Carmel by the Sea. I live somewhat close by thanks for sharing the info. I was looking for a place to get some. I ran out of my bath salts. So looking forward to it.

  4. I don't use the Lush bath bombs but I have a few of their other products. They are great.

  5. What a great ritual! You have inspired me to open that bathroom drawer and actually USE all of my bath products! I got a bunch of those bombs at BASIN at WDW and I haven't touched my LUSH products in ages!


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