Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kim's Day Off

I wanted to thank you all for the good thoughts and kind words when I "announced" I was going to start taking Friday nights (Saturday's blog post) off from blogging because by the end of the work week, I'm just too tired to write and I have very little to talk about.  Want to know what I did instead last Friday night?

Hubby called me at work that afternoon and said he just didn't feel like cooking; did I want to go out to dinner?  I kind of waffled about it because I'd had dinner out at the rubber chicken banquet the night before, and I'd gone out for lunch two days in a row too, but then I thought about the fact that HE hadn't gone out in awhile, and that didn't seem very fair.  I didn't make it home from work until almost 8 p.m. (see why I'm so tired by Friday night?!), but we quickly loaded up and headed out to a local barbecue restaurant, Back 40 Texas Barbecue in Roseville.  Hubby claimed a hankering for a good steak and I was afraid that most of the more well known steak places would have a long wait on a Friday night.  Back 40 is a smaller, more out-of-the-way place we'd eaten at a couple times; we felt the food was decent and there wasn't likely to be a wait.

I had the most delicious prime rib sandwich!  Hubby, though, was sadly disappointed in his meal.  He ordered a hanger steak, cooked medium, and when it arrived it was uniformly well cooked all the way through--and tough too.  When we were finally able to get someone to find our waiter for us, Hubby pointed out that the steak was overcooked and the waiter took his plate away.  For the next several minutes, I could overhear conversations in the kitchen, and the words "hanger steak" were mentioned again and again.  Next, an older man--who might have been a manager but he didn't identify himself--came to our table and explained their hanger steaks are marinaded for 24 hours and it simply wasn't possible to turn out a medium steak.  So Hubby ended up with the same tough--and now cold--steak back in front of him.

You know, I would have bought the whole story about the steak too, except on Saturday I was watching Restaurant Impossible and Chef Robert Irvine demonstrated how to marinade and cook a hanger steak and guess what?  It was nice and pink inside!  So either we were lied to or Back 40 just doesn't know how to cook meat.  Either way, our experience was less than pleasant, and we won't be going back.

I have to tell you, though, that despite Hubby's dashed expectations and unrequited craving for a good steak, my prime rib sandwich was really tasty.  REALLY tasty.  And after we got home, I filled the bath tub with hot water and dropped in a fizzy, scented bath bomb.  It was SOOOOOO nice to lay there and relax and know the work week was behind me and the weekend was ahead.  When the water started to cool, I dried off and got into one of my most comfy nightgowns.  I took two Tylenol PM, climbed into bed, and read a good book until I was too sleepy to stay awake any longer.  Then I was out like a light for a good ten hours of sleep--I could barely believe I'd slept so long, but I think I really needed it, because I woke up refreshed and full of energy.

I think Hubby and I might make a habit of going out to dinner on Friday nights, or at least bringing in some decent fast food if we just don't feel like going anywhere.  I can't remember the last time I had such a carefree, relaxing evening, and I'm looking forward to THIS Friday night.  I think it was a good decision, even though I struggled to make it.  I think everyone should build some time into their schedule to unwind and relax.


  1. Sounds like a great plan! You need some time to relax and re-charge.

  2. You share so much, that you deserve to take a night off from blogging. Sorry to hear that your husband's food wasn't up to par. Thanks for sharing.

  3. We used to love going to Back 40 in Cameron Park and always had a great meal. I'm sorry your hubs had a bad experience. That is such bad management. My folks owned steak houses for years. As ornery as my dad was, he said the customer was always right. If they complained, he gave them an entire new meal, no questions asked. That is what is supposed to happen. He would often take back a "tough" steak, and cut it with a fork but no arguments!

  4. That restaurant is on our "Go To Eat" list so we'll be a little more wary when we do make it up there. We have friends who've had "Dinner and Pizza Fridays" for at least a decade. He creates a gourmet pizza, always something different, and they rent a movie. They always post a photo of the pizza and movie critique on Facebook for their friends' entertainment.

  5. We all need time to rejuvenate ourselves and do things just for US. I am glad you are taking time for YOU and reaping the benefits! :)


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