Wednesday, January 16, 2013


We dog-sat our granddog this past weekend while the Wild Child and Manager Man attended the wedding of some friends at Lake Tahoe.  Unfortunately, they forgot to pack the Drooling Dog's coat for the trip, and it's been awfully cold around here lately.

(The Drooling Dog--this photo was taken a few years ago in much nicer weather!)

By Sunday, after spending a couple days putting considerable time and effort into coaxing the poor boy outside in the cold to do his business, Hubby took pity, and the two of them piled into the car and drove off to see whether they could find a dog coat on sale at the nearest LARGE pet store.

Apparently it was a busy day for pets and the store was crowded, with the line of customers waiting to check out winding its way down the aisles.  After Hubby picked out a suitable coat, he and the Drooling Dog got in line to await their turn to pay.  While waiting, Hubby struck up a conversation with the girl waiting in front of him.  Soon she began to smile a little and asked Hubby what he and the Drooling Dog were shopping for.  "A coat," he explained and held up his find for her to see.  "I think you need more than just that coat," she said, looking past Hubby.  Hubby turned, and there was the Drooling Dog, sitting very nicely, holding a rather sturdy stuffed fire hose chew toy in his mouth.  While Hubby wasn't looking, he'd done his own shopping!

When I heard the story, I was reminded of grocery store excursions when our kids were little.  You know those shopping trips where you get up to the register only to find several unplanned items have mysteriously made their way into the shopping cart?  Kids and pets!  They want what they want and it seems like they often find a way to get it, don't they?!


  1. ....and how long will the toy last?...what wonderful pictures! I love his eyes...

  2. Adorable! Any grandparent would have given in to those adorable doggy eyes.

  3. Cute dog! Love your weather, wish we had it here. This morning it is -8 degrees Celsius with a wind chill of -15.

  4. So, did he get his toy??? How can you resist that face?!

  5. What a funny story - I hope your sweet Granddog got his toy and that he is enjoying his coat!

  6. Loved the story. Thanks for sharing.

  7. ROFL! That's hilarious!
    I once return from the grocery store with a broccoli head that was shaved of all the dark green. I thought, I don't remember picking an ugly head. Then I thought back and realize that my 16 month old daughter was holding the broccoli. Apparently she like raw broccoli!


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