Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I've Been Better . . .

My friend Julie-Julia emailed me today to make sure I remain among the living, so I thought I should at least post a short note to let anyone else who has similar concerns know that I'm still kicking.  Barely.

I took a sick day on Monday but I went back to work on Tuesday and struggled through, and I'm trying to do what I can to get ready for Christmas while at the same time putting off doing anything that might pass this thing on to friends--like handle gifts of baked goods.  As I write, the DayQuil has worn off but I can't take the NyQuil just yet because I'd probably fall asleep in my bath, sink below the surface of the water and drown.  After all, there's not a lot of difference between a bathtub full of water and the quantity of snot in my head.  TMI?  Yeah, probably.  Sorry about that.

Anyway, I'm still here, but I might not post since I don't have too much to say.  Oh, but there IS one thing.  Over the weekend, when I was feeling only half dead, I went for a short last-minute Christmas shopping trip with a couple friends.  We strolled along Sutter Street in old Folsom--if you're familiar with the Sacramento area, you probably know what I'm talking about.  I've driven by one store for a long time but never went in until I was shopping with friends--it's called Melange, and it has a funky blend of vintage "stuff" as well as a few newer things.  I found a stacked set of three vintage Santa mugs to add to my collection--I don't have a photo of them yet, but the following are photos one of my friends took of the shop on her cell phone.  Enjoy a little eye candy while I try not to drown myself, and stop by the shop if you're in the area.


  1. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. I hope you kick this thing soon - and are feeling better for Christmas day! Peace....

  3. I believe I've been in that shop. I love the rose pictures in the last photo.

    There must be something going around California. My friend in Manteca is sick as well.

    Get better and Merry Christmas.

  4. okay ... now i AM getting worried - are you okay?!?


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