Friday, November 2, 2012

Need to Know . . .

Can I ask you something?  Well, TWO somethings, really.

First, have you seen any good movies lately that you'd recommend?  I'm going out on Saturday night with a couple girl friends while Hubbie plays poker, and I'm wondering what might be worth seeing.  I'd appreciate your recommendations.

Second, Pinterest.  I like Pinterest but I don't spend too much time there, so I wonder if you can point me toward any cool Christmas decorating and/or crafting ideas?  Or gifts to make.  Christmas really isn't THAT far away, so I'm starting to think about it.

Finally, Hubby and I went out for Chinese food last Saturday night.  Check out my fortune:

I haven't participated in the Friday Night Sew In for awhile, so I thought maybe THAT was how I'd be creative, but it's not until November 16th.  Of course, the fortune doesn't say WHICH Friday, right?  Well, we'll have to wait and see what happens.  No pressure, right?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me about movies and Christmas ideas--I appreciate it!


  1. Haven't seen a good movie but heard Argo was really good. Go on my pinterest site on the right side of my blog and click on the bulletin board called gift ideas...I have saved a load of them!

  2. Argo was a good movie. totally enjoyable. Can't wait to see what you come up with on your Friday creativity
    edernds 1

  3. I saw Argo and thought it was very good. Sorry no decorating ideas. I need some too.

  4. I just sent this to my daughters last night! 50 decorated Christmas Balls.

    and also this is a cute idea: Yardstick ornaments

    I'm sure Pinterest will now be flooded with ideas, as it was for Halloween.

  5. Elaine @ quiltlady@etcmail.comNovember 2, 2012 at 7:28 AM

    Have heard Argo is really good. I have seen Trouble With the Curve and thought it was excellent.

  6. No good ideas about the movie or Christmas gifties, but I LOVE the fortune! Can't wait to see what you come up with. Me, I get to spend my sewing hours today shortening a formal dress for my daughter. I'll be so happy to get back to cotton after chiffon and satin!

  7. I haven't seen any movies lately. I have a Holidays board, a craft board, and a sewing/quilting board on Pinterest that might give you some Christmas ideas. As far as the fortune....well we always follow it with two more bed. So maybe you're going to be creative and get lucky tonight! LOL! Sorry, just couldn't pass that up.

  8. I highly recommend ARGO. It will be an Oscar contender for sure. It's a true story and happened in our lifetime but was a 'classified' CIA event so we never knew of it.

  9. I've also heard that Argo is good but if you want a laugh Pitch Perfect was hilarious. I saw it with my 17 yr old daughter and her friend then we went another time and took my sister, nothing to make you uncomfortable, the singing was good and Rebel Wilson is so funny!

  10. Just saw "Here Comes the Boom" tonight and really loved it!

  11. We have "cheap" theatres here where some older movies are playing. Honey and I went to see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel". We laughed and laughed! Was a short-played movie, but it was great! There was a group of Red Hat's there. Was fun watching these ladies brave the weather with their red hats and purple clothing!
    Have fun!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!