Saturday, November 10, 2012

Christmas Dreaming

I know it's only been about a week since Halloween, but I'm already doing some serious thinking about Christmas.  Just today I picked up this magazine at JoAnn's.

And no, it's not the first Christmas magazine I've purchased.  Once we get into fall, I'm on a constant hunt for Christmas magazines to spark my creative processes.  I accidentally purchased two of the same issue of Country Sampler magazine last week; luckily one of my friends hadn't purchased one yet, so I was able to find a home for the duplicate.

On the day I stayed home sick from work, Soccer Son came over and helped Hubby get all of the Christmas "stuff" down out of the garage rafters, so I can start decorating soon.  We won't be home for Thanksgiving, so there's no need to hold off on decorating until that holiday has passed.  Every year I say I'm going to keep it simple this year, . . . but then I never really do.  But maybe will be the year.

Have you started thinking seriously about Christmas yet?  Have you done any Christmas shopping?  Or made any gifts?  Have you found any really excellent magazines or books full of Christmas ideas?  If you'd like a chance to win this pattern for a small (30" x 30") quilt, leave me a comment telling me where you're at with your holiday planning and what's inspiring you this year.

I think this would make an excellent tree skirt for a small tabletop tree, don't you?  I'll draw a winner's name on Sunday night--come back on Monday to see who won and, if it's you, to claim your prize!


  1. I am thinking Xmas and last night pulled out more Xmas prints. No decorations yet but soon. Cute pattern.

  2. I've already started my Christmas shopping and I have made 4 Christmas table runners (two of which I have already given away). I've been eyeing the Christmas magazines, but so far I have resisted that tempation! My family has limited my Christmas decorations to December, but I'm going to start sneaking out my snowmen soon!

  3. It seems that holiday planning this year is revolving around where my children will be. One will be home for Thanksgiving, and the other for Christmas, so that took care of that. As far as purchasing/creating Christmas gifts - does it count if I've started making lists???

  4. I've been thinking about Christmas Decorating/decorations a lot since September, actually. That was when we got the shipment of our household goods that we had in storage for the three years we lived in Hawaii. We didn't take many holiday decorations with us there, so getting it all back together has been... enlightening. Good grief, I can't believe I have all of that stuff!!! Four or five trees, bins and bins of decorations, and ornaments! At one point, I really had a problem with being obsessed with getting ornaments. So now that stuff is coming out in the stores, I can't resist walking through it and looking, but I'm trying to resist buying. However, I do need an ornament for an exchange that one of my groups is doing. So far I've found three possibilities. Of course I got them all, so I can decide which one I like the least and can give it away!!!! Maybe it is time to confess that I'm still having a problem with getting ornaments!

  5. I've been thinking about Christmas. I have a quilt top ready to quilt, I've made two pillows and three pillowcases which are all gifts. And I have a small wall hanging started. But I have a LONG list, which in reality unless I quit working or sleeping I'll never make it. But, I'd love another pattern!

  6. Nothing! I don't even start thinking about Christmas until after Thanksgiving!

  7. What a sweet quilt! I would LOVE to win it!!!

  8. Hi Kim,
    Love the pattern!
    I have done very little to prepare for Christmas but I have started. Each year I make a small quilted ornament using paper-piecing. The pattern for this year is a Carol Doak design and I have done the first, my prototype. I always make one to try the pattern out before I attempt to mass-produce the rest. I make 15 for close friends and family and enclose them in their Christmas card each year.
    Good luck with your preparations.

  9. I'm in the process of making my e-vite invitation for our annual holiday dessert party-usually about 50-60 guests attend. Half of my Christmas shopping is complete. Decorating will start right after Thanksgiving-don't do it before then since I really love the fall. Finding that Pinterest is a great source for holiday-ideas. Thanks for doing this giveaway-would love to win this pattern! Have a great day!

  10. I am working on a table runner and wall hanging for Christmas and have bought two presents. Cute pattern.

  11. Well Honeyman put the kabosh on going to Mexico for Christmas (yup I tend to be a scrooge, but he did schedule Mexico for February! ) I will not be doing much this year. Once again Honeyman has to work :o( I will probably beclare it a pj day!

  12. This year I'm pulling out all the stops and decorating for both Thanksgiving & Christmas because it's possibly the last time our daughter will be home for both holidays for a long time. She's in her last year of medical school and interviewing all over the country for general surgery residency programs. So I'm going to make these holidays super special. The only mag I've bought is the Land O Lakes All About the Holidays receipe collection. I'd love the chance to win the pattern--I have a couple of hers and I love them! Love your blog too!

  13. Lindo Padrão,obrigada.Somos em oito irmãos de dois casamentos do meu pai,então desde que não temos mais mães nem pai ...Nos reunimos a cada ano em casa de um.Este ano Vamos para meu irmão de praia.Tenho uma irmã de praia também.Eu sou com mais quatro irmãos de serra,os outros dois são de metrópole ,sem praia e sem serra.Obrigada.

  14. I have started a little shopping, and been making some gift for decorating I am dreaming only through magazines and pinterest. I am one of those who has to wait till the week after Thanksgiving for the decor to come out...I love Fall decorating also! Thanks for the give away!

  15. What a lovely table topper pattern. I have started with my Christmas shopping, in fact I am 3/4 done. We will be home for Christmas this year, the first in 20 years of travelling south for the winter. I am so looking forward to being with the families this year. Thanks Kim for this inspiring pattern and blog

  16. I love to decorate for Christmas! I like to use a lot of vintage things from my childhood and mix it in with things I find at estate sales and garage sales. I need to start after Halloween, or I wouldn't finish (I'm not the most motivated after working). As for sewing, I have finished two baby quilts for 2 new grandchildren (with Minky on the back). I'm getting worked up just talking about it. Thanks for a chance and your blog. Susie

  17. I've moved in with my father this year, who couldn't care less about holiday decorations. It will be a challenge to put some Christmas cheer into this place with all my Christmas quilts and decorations put away in storage. I think I could whip out that small quilt if I won that cute pattern though.

  18. I have started my shopping for the little ones in my extended family and have started making gifts. I think I'm in pretty good shape. I don't go crazy with decorating. Just a tree. We're pretty boring that way.

  19. My Dh and I just finished up decorating the whole house today inside. We aretaking the whole family all 11 of us to Disney for THANKSGIVING so we wanted to have it all done before we left. I am so happy Christmas is my holiday. I have some stocking stuffers bought and I actually wrapped a Christmas gift and put it under the tree with nio name. We don't want any hurt feelings. Tomorrow all the kids meaning 5 GK and their parents are coming over to celebrate my bday and the GKs will go crazy. I have candy canes all over the tree and of course they will be getting one to take home. We will decorate the outside when we come back.
    I have 12 gifts made for our applique group for our Christmas party in Dec.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend

  20. I've started making gifts, in fact that is where I SHOULD be instead of on the computer, but oh, well... :P
    I've also started making a list of who I need to buy gifts for and some ideas. That's much better than I have been in the past!

    This is such an adorable pattern, would love to make it!

  21. This is in response to your red and white quilt design.
    There's a really pretty red and cream quilt that uses large squares and small half-square triangles in the Nov/Dec 2009 McCall's Quilting--Celebrer by Lissa Alexander. You could mix in your Merry, Merry Snowmen scraps in it.

  22. What an adorable little quilt! I have not even begun to think about holiday plans yet, except for Thanksgiving. We usually get a tree and decorate around Dec. 5 or so, so I have time

  23. Great little quilt pattern. I shop for Christmas year round, so I am almost finished with Christmas. I made my Aunt a quilt and have almost finished three advent calendars. I absolutely love Christmas and tend to buy any magazine with a Christmas tree on the front, however this year I am trying to stay on a budget and haven't purchased any magazines yet,don't know how long I can hold out.

  24. Planning? What planning? Can you tell where I am at?I am hoping to get some table runners made and spend as little money as possible.

  25. I was asked to host the monthly wine tasting in December for our lodge "like you did last year! Everyone LOVED your beautifully decorated home!". Well, of course they did! I spent days decorating and cleaning! I was hoping someone else would hold it this year. But no--I said "yes" as they knew I would. I will definitely start the decorating before Thanksgiving and I will have fun doing it. (It's only the anticipation of the work and mess that's the deterant). :-)

  26. My only daughter is getting married December 8th, so all Christmas thoughts are on hold till that is over and I have recuperated! I will probably keep my decorating fairly simple this year. I always look forward to seeing what you have done for the holidays. You have a great flair for decorating.

  27. I am looking forward to decorating in my yard, haven't done it for the last 2 yrs and I'm READY!

  28. Not even close on starting my holiday planning because I'm leaving for Mexico on Tuesday :) Looking at blogs inspirers me! I'll have lots to read when I get back!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!