Thursday, November 8, 2012

Calling in Sick To Blogland

One ringy-dingy, two ringy-dingys . . . .  "Hey, this is Kim.  I'm not feeling well; I don't think I'll be coming in to Blogland today.  I'm just going to stay in bed and rest."

[Mumble, mumble, mumble.]

"What did you ask?"

[Mumble, mumble, mumble.]

"What's wrong with me?  Well, I'm not sure.  It feels like it could be a head cold, but it could just be allergies--it's that time of year.  Then again, based on the pressure, one definite possibility is an alien baby inside my head, trying to get out."

[Mumble, mumble, mumble.]

"Yes, thanks; I will take something for it.  Maybe a bottle or two of Nyquil would do the trick.  Feeling the way I do, there's really not much point in remaining conscious.  Hopefully, if things work out okay, I'll see you tomorrow.  I'm heading back to bed now.  Bye."


  1. Oh dear hope you are feeling better soon!!

  2. I hope you feel better soon, Kim!

  3. feel better soon. SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP

  4. Hoping you feel well soon!!
    Cindy in SC

  5. Best wishes for a swift and full recovery!

  6. Boy oh boy - hope you get feeling better SOON since we are going to play all day Saturday. I like that mumble, mumble, mumble)

  7. love your writing, even when you are sick...sign off and take care of you!

  8. OH NO!!!!A good snooze, a hot toddy and soothing shower will make you feel better. Then dab a little Chanel #5 behind your ears....

  9. hope it is working it's way through...and if you get a photo of the it! lol


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