Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Thanksgiving Adventure

Thanksgiving's going to be a little bit different for us this year.  For one thing, Soccer Son is married now, and he and his Lovely Wife are honeymooning in Maui.  The Wild Child is also gone, living in Eureka, a six-hour drive away.  When Hubby and I got around to thinking about how we were going to celebrate Thanksgiving this year with both our children gone, it occurred to us that it might be fun to join Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife in Maui.

Sadly, the bank account didn't agree.  So instead, we're setting out Wednesday morning to drive over the river and through the woods--the giant redwoods, that is!--north to Eureka to spend the holiday with the Wild Child and Manager Man.  And, as it turns out, Manager Man's parents also thought it would be a good idea, so they'll be arriving sometime on Wednesday too.

I don't THINK the Wild Child minds that we've invited ourselves to her home.  Then again, I don't THINK it would matter if she did!  Seriously, though, we would have been just as happy to travel to Eureka and take the couple out to dinner, but the Wild Child and Manager Man thought it would be a fun challenge to tackle the holiday meal themselves; after all, while they're not experienced chefs, they both have a lot of experience serving food and drink to customers and even preparing simple meals, so why not?

Well, actually, there are some very obvious answers to the "why not" question.  Like the fact that the only oven they have is a toaster oven, if you don't include the microwave.  And the fact that they don't have an actual stove top--I think they have a burner or two, but that's about it.

So Manager Man's parents are bringing a barbecue grill.

And we're bringing a second toaster oven.  Oh, and they DO have a crockpot; we're bringing a second crockpot.  In fact, we're also bringing the dressing to cook in the crockpot.

Cooking Thanksgiving dinner should be a little bit of an adventure, don't you think?  I was reminiscing with a woman at my office about how ill equipped we were for cooking when we first started out on our own.  Remember not having enough pots and having to make do and be creative?  I do!  So does my friend.  She described cooking potatoes in a coffee maker!

So I'm sure we'll do fine, and I think it will be fun.  And, of course, the most important thing is that we'll all be together.  Still, it doesn't hurt that if things go terribly wrong, we'll be lodging in a hotel/casino where I suspect food and drink is available 24 hours a day.

I'll be away from the computer for a few days, which means I'll be away from all of you too.  I'll "see" you here again sometime over the weekend when we get home again.  In the meantime, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  1. Looking forward to hearing all about your thanksgiving adventure on your return!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Kim. I can't wait to read about your weekend adventures! Helen

  3. Good luck on your adventure - and safe travels. These are the times we remember the most...enjoy!

  4. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Oh, and make the mashed potatoes ahead of time. Take them up in a cooler. The morning of, butter a crock pot and put the potatoes in and turn it to low. Easy, peasy!

  5. I remember doing the same thing for my family the first time I cooked. I lived out in the middle of no where - population 200, small itsy bitsy grocery store. My bathroom was larger than my kitchen and my stove was about 24" square. Somehow we made do and my brother and I got drunk the night before and he had seasoning all over the kitchen when he did the turkey at 6 in the morning. It was a fun adventure and I'll always remember that first time I cooked Thanksgiving dinner.

  6. You have an exciting Thanksgiving ahead! Have a wonderful time!

  7. Safe travels...and happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Have a great Thanksgiving. Sounds like fun!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving! Can't wait to hear how the turkey dinner turns out.

  10. Safe travels. It sounds like an adventurous Thanksgiving - have fun. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving Kim! I bet you'll have a wonderful time.

  12. That definitely does sound like Adventure Eating!! Enjoy, be safe and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Cindy in SC

  13. Pray does one do potatoes in a coffee maker!? Think of the memories Wild Child and Manager Man are making! I think it is lovely! Have a great time!

  14. So -- as I was cooking for several hours yesterday with all the necessities of an oven, large stovetop and several pots, I kept thinking of you and your family. It must have been hilarious! And,obviously, Manager Man must have fun parents also. It had to be the BEST THANKSGIVING EVER!! Florence

  15. Thank you very much for sharing about the thanksgiving adventure.

  16. It is just superb post thanks a lot for sharing and keep up the good work.

  17. i always want to have adventrous life, i want to go to mountains,do hiking, camping, it must be very amazing feeling when you stop for a while to take some rest after half hour of hiking. surely you have enjoyed your adventure.


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