Tuesday, October 30, 2012

She Says Catsup, They say Ketchup,

but what I'm really talking about is catch up!  Okay, bad word play, I know, but I like to play with words, so I couldn't let it pass.  I just want to announce that I'm finally caught up with the County Cottages BOM--for about another week, I think.  Here's the October block:

I really like the design of this block with the pumpkins and corn stalk.  Originally I thought I'd want to make my October house orange, but that would have been too much orange with the pumpkins too, so I held back.  I wonder what we'll have for November?  A turkey, perhaps?  Two more blocks and we'll have all of them made for this one.

All of you back east are in my thoughts, and I hope the current storm, Sandy, doesn't do as much damage as they predicted or linger too long.  So far, it's hit just as hard as expected, but it seems the flood waters are already starting to go down, so they're hopeful the worst is over.  If you've been hit by the storm . . . well, you may well have lost power and not be reading this at all, but if you are, hang in there. 


  1. Thank you Kim, from Mass. We lost power for 12 hrs but still can't get out due to downed trees. At least we aren't cold! Read your blog everyday!

  2. Love your block - good thinking on making the house a different color - it's perfect!

  3. From Ohio. We have snow and its not even November. Crazy. Thank goodness we still have power so I can sew. I need to catch up on my BOM houses Love yours Kim.

  4. From New Jersey -- I'm in the northwest mountains where we only had downed trees and no power. However, our poor New Jerseyans living on the coast -- it looks like Katrina - whole villages under water! They all need our prayers for sure!
    Your block is perfect! I love it. BTW -- Did your skeleton make it outside this year? Florence


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!