Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Rose by Any Other Name

Just before I sat down to write tonight's post, I offered to serve Hubby and myself the last two servings of the pots de creme I made Saturday night.  To Hubby, these little bowls of chocolate heaven are "pudding."  Pudding!  Pudding is something Bill Cosby sells that comes in cardboard boxes, to which you add milk, beat, and refrigerate.  Hubby's clearly a caveman and should not be allowed to enjoy pots de creme.  I think if I make these again, I'm going to make up a batch of pudding for him, and I'll keep the pots de creme for myself.  Pudding!  Sheesh.

Tonight I made this little wallhanging for the Wild Child:

The center applique is something I made last year as a learning project when my friend Imelda taught our stitchery group her method of starch and glue applique.  When the Wild Child was here for Soccer Son's wedding, I asked if she'd like one of two little projects that I had languishing in the Sweat Shop--I told her I could finish it up for her to hang in the standing metal frame I gave her last Christmas.  Of the two projects, this was the one she picked.  I really thought I'd get to it a couple weeks ago, but there were other projects to get done first.  Good thing she picked the project that's more generically "fall" and not Halloween!  So tonight I finally added the borders, quilted it, and bound it--a fairly fast and simple little project.  Tomorrow I'll get it in the mail to her along with all the junk mail that's been accumulating here the last couple weeks.  I'll also send her the newest issue of Food Network magazine--it's their Thanksgiving issue.  Did I tell you Hubby and I are going to spend Thanksgiving up at her place this year?  That's the plan so far, anyway.  I know she and Manager Man are talking about what to cook, so the magazine may be helpful.

Well, I guess I should also mention that I got up this morning, got dressed, and put on my shoes to walk, but when I opened the door, I realized it was raining out.  I'm just NOT that dedicated a walker, so I took my shoes off and fixed myself a cup of coffee instead.  The weather people think it will rain off and on throughout the night tonight but should clear up by the morning commute; I don't think I trust them enough to get up early again on the chance I'll be able to get out and walk, so I'll postpone my morning exercise for the next day or two.  Besides, some of the rural areas around Sacramento saw tornados and funnel clouds today, and I'd hate to get whirled away accidentally just for the sake of exercise, you know?  It's supposed to rain heavy again on Wednesday like it did today so maybe more tornados then, but they say by Thursday the weather should be better.

I guess if I'm not going to be able to walk in the morning, it's a good thing we don't have any more pots de creme.  Or pudding.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you to still have chocolate pots de creme left on Monday--I would have made them my Sunday breakfast!


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