Friday, September 21, 2012

Scrappy Stars Quilt--A Little Eye Candy

Quite some time ago--May 2011, in fact--Helen, a reader of this blog, wrote to ask if she could use my Scrappy Stars Quilt pattern as a mystery quilt for her guild, the Sarnia Quilt Guild in Ontario, Canada.  Of course I was happy to give my permission to Helen.  Since then, Helen has sent me photos of the quilts her guild members have completed, and I thought I'd share them with you--they're wonderful, aren't they?!

The first quilt was made by Carleen using Halloween fabrics.  Very cool!  It appears again in the last photo on the far right.

These photos show the other quilts that were made--it looks like there were four more made, in addition to Carleen's quilt.  One of them, the one that's sagging a bit, second from the left, was the one made by Helen.

If this quilt pattern appeals to you, the instructions are accessible through my sidebar tutorials, Scrappy Stars Tutorials.  I think it would look terrific made up as a Christmas quilt!

Here's mine--the original--I made using leftover scraps of various Thimbleberries fabrics.  When I later decided to write the tutorial, I used the four demo blocks I made for pillow shams.


  1. Hi Kim -- I hope you all have the most wonderful and beautiful day tomorrow! Please post some pictures. (And I love all those quilts too) Florence

  2. Those pictures look familar, lol. I had a blast making this quilt top. There were 24 people getting the mystery pattern last year, so I expect to see more of these quilts in this year's show and tell.
    Thank you, so much Kim, for letting us use the pattern.

  3. What a wonderful, scrappy quilt! It's so nice of you to share the pattern for it.


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