Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sew Spooky

You know what's "sew spooky"? The fact that I could put aside everything I'm already working on to start a new project. But that's exactly what I did on Sunday. Because look what finally arrived in the mail late last week:

"Sew," can you really blame me? I bet you'd be tempted too. Maybe you WERE tempted? Did you sign up for the whole quilt kit or perhaps the block of the month kits? I'm sure I'm not the only one! Are you working on the same project--or dreaming of starting it?

Yes, I've finished the first block--I just finished it tonight. (By the way, that quilt hanging on the side of the house is dimensional and underneath lurks a spider!) I guess you might say I kept my nose to the grindstone--or to the sewing machine, needle, and thread, at least. SOMEONE tried to side track me by laying on my block while I was adding the final embroidery stitches tonight, but he was swiftly escorted from the Sweat Shop.

Persistent little bugger! He reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West, flattened under Dorothy's house; don't you agree?! But then what black (and white) cat WOULDN'T want to get close to a Halloween quilt block, especially one that has a cat on the roof!

Block two? The haunted barn.

I'm very tempted to start it right away, but there are other projects demanding attention, not the least of which is Mr. Stitch, who is, as I type, straddling my keyboard, staring intently at me, beaming thought waves in my direction reminding me it's time for his dinner.


  1. Your cat is like my dog. Meg head butts our bedroom door in the mornings to get. The door frame seems move with heat and damp so there times when she is more successful than others

  2. That paw is killer - too funny! I have several of those swooshing and swiping under my doors as well - heaven forbid you go into the bathroom without them. Love your block!

    Cindy in SC

  3. Poor kitty. He just wants to help.

    I love your block. Happy quilting.

  4. Thanks to you, I also ordered Sew Spooky, in the all at once, instant gratification form! I started it immediately (What a surprise! NOT) and have finished all 5 houses! The rest is cut and some is partially done. My pace should slow down with the arrival of company that is staying for 10 days, but I hope to be done by the end of the month. I love love love this pattern!

  5. Oh I love the pattern.. can't wait to see the blocks as you finish them.

    I just have too many UFO right now to start another.

  6. I love your first block, it's going to be a fantastic quilt. The paw is funny, I can't go to the bathroom without 2 cats wanting to come in.

  7. I got my Sew Spooky block last Friday but I have been very, very good and finished a couple of must do things first. Can't wait 'til Saturday-I'll finally be able to start.

  8. What's wrong with putting aside all your current projects to start on a new one???!!! That's how it's supposed to be done. It looks like your kitty approves too which is the most important thing!

  9. It is really cute and tempting, but I just can't take on any more projects - have to be strong!

  10. What a awesome block!!!! No wonder you couldn't resist it!!!!! Can't wait to see the next block!!!

    Your cat is too funny~~~~ LOL

  11. I love the block! I thought about signing up for the BOM, but with applique and embroidery, I wasn't sure I would actually make it. And the cat picture is perfect!!

  12. This is super cute. Did you find it somewhere as a complete kit with fabric - or did you just buy the pattern kit with embellishments? I don't really have a good stash of Halloween fabric... Thanks!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!