Sunday, July 22, 2012


I'm always on the look out for attractive things I can use in different ways in the Sweat Shop, and I found something today I thought I'd show you. One of my friends invited me out to lunch and to do a little shopping--there was a "garage sale" at one of the quilt shops and they rented out tables where customers could sell their unwanted stash and craft items. We also stopped at a couple "vintage/second hand" shops, and we found two plate stands, one for each of us. I thought they'd make cute fabric "shelves"; in particular, I had a big stack of fat quarters and a few half yard cuts that I'd set aside for the Pumpkinville quilt. My friend suggested she might use hers to stack charm packs.

I think this makes for an attractive way to keep a "kit" instead of putting all the fabrics in a plastic bag or box, don't you?

Of course, I COULD use it to hold plates and cups and/or serve food for a party if the need arises, but in the meantime, it's functional as a fabric stand and doesn't take up more kitchen space.

Every now and then, the clutter in the Sweat Shop starts to take over, and my new purchase motivated me to spend the evening rolling fat quarters and tidying up the rest of the clutter. No sewing was done today, but I know I'll be happier spending time in the Sweat Shop again since everything's in its proper place.


  1. Thats a great idea, looks good too. I find with fabric that if its out of sight its out of mind, so this notion will prevent that issue.
    Tidying is very theraputic too and you/one/I!!! tend to find/rediscover all sorts of useful items which trigger more ideas/mess/mayhem...Our school History teacher used to have a notice on his wall along the lines of- no one with a tidy desk ever experiences the joy of discovering that which they thought was irretrieveably lost!'
    My motto!!

  2. What a great idea for storing fabric, Kim & so very cute! Thank you for the two applique tips from your Verna retreat. I tried the point technique & am amazed how nicely my point looks ~ not perfect ~ I do need to practice more. I don't know why I didn't think of that! Previously I would trim the flag way back & often end up w/ a frustrating raveling mess. Then I would fray check hoping that little amount left wouldn't ravel away & would cont to look nice & also keep the first side of pt anchored forever. Thank you very much! Hope you have a very quilty day!
    Penny in So CA


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!