Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I've Been Better . . .

Boy, you get a year older and stuff starts falling apart. Okay, to be honest, stuff started falling apart years ago.

This time, though, it's my neck/upper back/right shoulder and arm. It started stiffening up and aching last Friday when I took a break from jury duty and went into the office. Can I really have gotten out of prime typing shape in just a few days?

Well, I DID work late on Friday, so I put in something like a ten-hour typing day, but there have been plenty of times when I didn't type for a few days and then DID--and typed overtime too--and lived to tell about it. So I don't know if it's THAT--the typing--or not.

Then, I thought it might be starting to feel a little better this afternoon, but I had to go spoil it all by going back into the office to type for another three hours.

Seriously, it may just be my imagination. No, not the pain; just the idea that it's caused by typing/work. Maybe it's just that the typing/work makes me notice the pain more. Anyway, I think I might not write a blog for a couple days if it keeps hurting.

I suspect muscle relaxants and jury duty wouldn't pair well. That's probably just as well, since I'd have to find time to get away from jury duty to see the doctor to get the muscle relaxants. In the meantime, I'll try heat, ice, and ibuprofen and see if that helps. I'll be back when I can.


  1. Sorry for your pain, I have been dealing with something similar this summer and my solution has been not to use it so much which has cut down on my quilting for sure. Hope you get to feeling better :)

  2. I think you are allergic to work! Since I stopped working...no sciatica, sleeping much better and am a whole lot less stressed! Of course the PT and acupuncture help! lol

  3. Getting older is not for whimps! No I don't think you are a whimp, quite the opposite - really! I am rooting for you because the kind of pain you are having is not easy to deal with. Hugs

  4. Take care of yourself. You've got too much quilting in your future for an injury to derail you now!

  5. Sorry to hear that, I'm sure it's the work that's causing it! :)

    Maybe you're getting the bug hubby had...it could make you hurt.

    Get well soon!

  6. I hope you're feeling better. Did you have a nice birthday?

  7. Ten hour typing is what got you. I got the same thing and dr. asked was I reading in bed..I was but didn't admit it. Had severe neck shoulder pain. As soon as I got better I went back to reading in bed. Take care of yourself.


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