Monday, June 18, 2012

Time Flies . . .

Can it really have been two days ago that I sat here contemplating the freedom of the weekend ahead? Now the weekend is over and I have five days of work before the next weekend arrives. And you know what? I bet those days will go a lot slower than weekend days do.

Last week when I was working so many hours, I got off track with my daily cleaning schedule. After all, who wants to come home at 10 p.m. and clean for a half hour or so? Not me!

The schedule I've been using doesn't schedule any cleaning on Sundays, so I used today to catch up a bit. I should have done some of it yesterday, but I was too caught up cooking, I guess. I thought today that if I went back and started with Thursday's chores and worked my way through Saturday's, I'd be half way done, and by the time Wednesday arrives this week, I'll be back to having a spotless house. It should work, I think.

I really enjoyed reading your comments about some of your favorite things. An overwhelming majority of you said you enjoy spending time with family. Today, Father's Day, was a good day for that, although it was kind of quiet here. The Wild Child has moved up to Humboldt in preparation for starting school in the fall, and Soccer Son was away coaching a tournament in Reno--although he'll stop here on the way home, because we've been puppy sitting Izzy, the Drooling Dog's daughter, and he'll want to take her home.

I randomly picked a winner of the Bareroots Seasons Stichery pattern. The winner is Sally A., who said a couple of her favorite things are coffee and a visit with a friend, or sitting having coffee on the deck and planning her day. Someone whose favorite things involve coffee--well, I'd surely enjoy joining Sally on her deck for some!

Sally, email me your mailing address and I'll put the pattern in the mail to you this week.

I'm glad you could stop by to visit. Would you like to come out to my patio and have a cup of coffee?


  1. I'd LOVE to come to your patio for coffee -- maybe you would give me a trunk show! Florence


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!