Monday, June 4, 2012

Full Steam Ahead

I hesitate, just a little bit, in telling you I finished the fourth block of the Merry, Merry Snowmen block of the month. The reason for my hesitation is that I was instructed recently, by one of my friends, not to complete any more applique blocks until everyone else in my stitchery group had caught up. To tell you the truth, I'm pretty sure she meant I should stop until SHE caught up. But gosh darn it, every time word gets back to me, I hear she's out golfing, antiqueing, or shopping sales. Me? I have no life, so what am I supposed to do while I'm waiting for her to catch up?

Well, one of the things I do--something that seems to get ME into trouble--is play around on the internet, looking for inspiration and new "stuff." Today's troublesome new stuff? Have you seen Bunny Hill's new pattern, Pumpkinville?

Please feel free to get into trouble along with me--Anne has listed the pattern in her Bunny Hill store HERE. She also has a wool version called Pumpkin Hollow and you can find that one HERE--just in case the first one didn't get you. Still not quite sold? The Fat Quarter Shop will be offering it as a block of the month--as I'm sure many other shops will be too.

I've ordered the Pumpkinville version and I've decided I'm going to make it using my own fabrics, so I won't sign up for the block of the month on this one. It's anyone's guess on if and when I'll get around to starting it, but when I do, I'm probably not going to go slow so my friends can keep up with me. Just sayin.


  1. Those friends of yours - the ones with LIVES? They should be ashamed! Never NEVER hold back when you have time to play in the sweat shop! NEVER! :)

  2. I have been reading your blog for over a year. I am so impressed with all you do. Never hold back no matter what. I am sometimes called and over achiever and I always say thank you . :0)
    I love all the houses you make. I have tried many times to make houses but I have a terrible time with windows and doors. They always are crooked. How do you do it? Keep those blocks coming

  3. Hi! I agree with Jen above. We all have different priorities! Me, I have a life like yours, work, home, work, home.
    Home = quilting+applique!
    Head up! Sew and applique on!

  4. Carry on, as one who is behind on the MMS project, I say we enjoy seeing you keep up even when we do not ;). I will hope to get another block done this week but it's never a race, quilting is for fun! Thanks for the motivation to continue making snowmen when it is 90 degrees around here, lol!

  5. I signed up for Pumpkinville at FQS. I must be crazy though because I haven't even started my Merry Merry Snowmen.

  6. I love Pumpkinville! I still have to make Autumn House and Bunny Hill!

  7. LOVE pumpkinville.....she is just amazing, i just must do it!!! Love your merry merry!!


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