Friday, June 22, 2012

The Best Way . . .

I think the best way to forget about a headache is to do something you enjoy. I've had a sinus or pressure headache all day, but once I came home from work and got busy "playing" in the Sweat Shop, I forgot all about it.

Tonight I finished cutting and piecing the 11 9-patch blocks for the Comfort & Joy quilt as well as 38 half square triangles.

They say laughter is the best medicine, and I can agree with that, but I think sewing ranks right up there too--just as long as it doesn't involve too much math!


  1. Agree with your comment about sewing. It is my sanity, my escape and my comfort. I can 'de-stress' by simply pulling out fabric and beginning to create or imagine. Always has been that way for me.

  2. You get 'pressure' headaches too? Miserable aren't they?


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