Thursday, May 10, 2012

Return of the Wild . . .

The Wild Child, that is. Did I tell you? I think I did, but I can't remember for sure. The Wild Child decided New York wasn't the place for her, so tonight she arrived back in Sacramento.

It's really nice to have her home again. As you can imagine, the Drooling Dog is pretty happy too. He picked her up at the airport and it was all Hubby could do to hold onto him to keep him from diving out the car window to get to her.

And although she's back in California to stay . . . at least for now . . . we don't think she'll be here in Sacramento with us for long. She'll be starting school at Humboldt State up on the north coast of California in the fall, and she'll probably head up there in a couple weeks to look into a job and a place to live. If she's lucky, she'll be able to fill a job that was previously occupied by someone graduating from college this month.

After her years of living in Tahoe, we know Humboldt will be the perfect fit for her, and she'll be able to take the Drooling Dog with her--he was sure bored and lonely while she was in New York! The only drawback is that it will be about a six hour drive for us to visit her--not much different than it would have been for us to fly to visit her in New York. But we expect it will be a little more comforting to us to know she's living in the same state.

Welcome home, Wild Child!


  1. What a Happy Mother's day gift!! Florence

  2. I can't wait till my youngest moves back from the Chicago area...2-3 more years...((sigh)) great mother's day gift!

  3. How nice for you both! It would be nice if my son and his new wife lived closer than 2200 miles! Six hours means 3 hours each way, if you meet in the middle. Six hours driving with several hours break in the middle isn't too bad, depending on the roads.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!