Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Hatfields & The McCoys: A Review

Are you watching the Kevin Costner mini-series? We have been. We watched the first episode Monday night at 8 p.m., a good time for me, Hubby, and the Wild Child. Night two, we gathered at 8 p.m., only to find a repeat showing of the first episode. (I don't get home from work in time to watch the 6 p.m. showing of the newest episode.) So, we had to postpone and reconvene at 10 p.m. We'll be doing the same thing tonight for episode three.

If you've missed it so far, here's what it's about:

Too many guns,
Too much moonshine,
Too much testosterone,
Not enough brains.
The whole feud was a prime example of how natural selection works to clean up the gene pool and make it safer for the rest of us to dive in.

Seriously, I'm not sure why I'm planning to watch the third episode, but I figure I'm this far in, I might as well finish it. At least the actors are pretty good.

Bet you're more interested to find out whose name was chosen to win the Doc Schnibbles pattern than to read my take on the story of a bunch of sweaty men who died over 100 years ago, right? (Thank goodness for the modern convenience of plumbing and the invention of toothpaste!) Marj, come on down! Marj wrote: "I love the way you make a pattern your own by changing up the colors and borders. I would love to win the pattern and make my own version. Thanks for the chance."

Marj, email me your mailing address and I'll get the pattern in the mail to you this week.

When I showed my version of Doc the other day, several of you commented on my somewhat surprising use of red as the background fabric, so I thought I'd write a post with a few of my thoughts about color--just a couple things I've noticed over the years. I'll try to write and post that tomorrow night. In the meantime, thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. We've been DVRing the series. Figured with Kevin Costner and Bill Paxton, one couldn't go wrong. Now I'm not sure we should spend the 6 hours to watch it. Thanks for your review.

  2. Kim, are you super tired this week?I know doing that extra house work every night when you're not used to it is hard BUT really. I lost interest within the first hour. No TV is better than bad. Hope you have a GREAT day.

  3. Glad to see your review of H&Mc. It isn't just me then. I actually made it to the second hour of the second show and then got up and sewed while my hubby finished watching the show. Geesh, I lost track of who shot who after a while, everybody mumbled, and 6 hours of that is just too much for me!

  4. it was pretty darn bloody ... and for some reason after 4 hours I forced myself to finish ... and it didn't get any better -- the idiots needed some strong minded women to whip 'em into shape ...

  5. We watched the first and part of the second episode last night. It took me forever to figure out who was who, then they'd get killed! I'll watch the rest though---anything with Kevin Costner is worth it even if it's bad!

  6. I watched just a bit of the mini-series and decided that it was just too realistic/too bloody.

    I am shocked that I actually won the pattern. Thank you! Kim I was unable to find your email address. My email

  7. I've been watching and actually enjoying the show! I've certainly learned a few things about the history of the feud. I was surprised to learn that the Hatfields were so wealthy and respected in the state - I always just thought it was a bunch of redneck idiots shooting each other for nothing better to do :*)

  8. I tried to watch it also, but it was just too much shooting in cold blood.

  9. Well, I watched the entire series last night. Can't say that I enjoyed it. A bunch of men spending years and years killing each other for no real apparent reason. I found it hard to believe Kevin Costner agreed to star in this series.

  10. I'm looking forward to your post about my favorite color, red. I wan to see if you view red the same way I a neutral!

  11. Ugh, I started watching the first episode last night and can't say I enjoyed it. Too much of most of the things I don't like! Plus, I had a terrible time understanding Kevin Costner. My volume was fine, he just mumbles I think. I ended up turning it off.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!