Saturday, April 21, 2012

I'm Sorry

It's Friday night and my brain is sucked dry.  I've got nothin' of any value to say.  When I've had time this week, I've been slogging away at the Thimbleberries quilt, appliqueing the holly leaves and bells, but it really looks no different than what I showed you last weekend.  There's nothing in the news that makes me feel like launching into a blog rant.  And I think I've eaten too much (and maybe drank a little too much) all week long while doing my part to engage in the appropriate level of enthusiastic celebration of Administrative Professionals Day/Week.  I'm done.  Ready to call it a night.  And I bet I'm so lacking in creative imagination, I won't even be able to muster up a good dream.  But I'm going to give it a try anyway.  Nighty-night!


  1. All better this morning?
    It's a brand new day... carpe diem !!!

  2. Really? AP Week has come and gone? Then my firm has it wrong, since they're doing it next week. lol

    Love your blog BTW, even though I'm a very rare quilter.


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