Friday, April 6, 2012

Back Porch Fabrics, Etc.

During our excursion to Carmel and Monterey last weekend, the only quilt shop I visited was Back Porch Fabrics in Pacific Grove, just a hop, skip, and a jump from Monterey and the aquarium. I took a few photos to show you what it was like--Blogger didn't seem to want to upload the exterior photos I took, but they weren't very exciting anyway. So here are three interior shots that give you an idea of what types of fabrics and other things they carry--

I want to show you something. Look closer:

Sorry if it's a little blurry but can you see the bolts stacked there on the left? Ghastlies! The 2012 Ghastlies are here!

Yes, I had to get some of the new focus fabric on the green background--

Remember last year's quilt? If you thought you'd like to make it, now's the time to get the fabric you need. There's a pattern/tutorial link in my sidebar.

And if you checked out last year's Ghastlies blog hop, you might remember a few cool projects, like this quilty masterpiece: CLICK HERE.

What else did I buy at Back Porch Fabrics? They had a really fun selection of black and white prints--I think many of these are from Alexander Henry.

Tomorrow I'll show you the couple projects I've been working on lately, although this vacation has flown by and I haven't had nearly as much time in the Sweat Shop as I thought I would. Isn't that always the way, though?


  1. Oh, I lov ethose Ghastlies! Can I tell yuo I thought of you when I saw the upcoming 'Nightshade' line from Alexabder Henry! Oh, I am in love with it, too! Go check it out it comes out in May i think!

  2. I am moving to Monetary and am so excited to see an awesome quilt shop will be there. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh I have an eight year old who is obsessed with the Eiffel Tower. I don't know how it started but my best guess is the movie Ratatouille. Anyway I am going to have to get some of that Eiffel Tower fabric and make her something with it. Maybe a dress or a pillow. She will absolutely go nuts! Thank you for the great pics!

  4. Back Porch always has the most interesting fabrics and I love Alexander Henry prints!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!