Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Little Detour

I know I told you I'd show you what other projects I worked on this past weekend, but that will have to wait until another day because I wanted to talk a little bit about Thimbleberries Club and the project for the first quarter of the year.

I've always enjoyed Thimbleberries--the patterns and the fabrics. While I'm not quite as much drawn to the darker, trademark Thimbleberries colors as I used to be, over the years Lynette Jensen has broadened the Thimbleberries color palate by bringing lighter shades into her spring and summer fabric lines, and the fabrics for the first quarter (spring) projects this year are no exception--pink, purple, green, and a yellowish cream.

We quilters in Thimbleberries Club also joke that Thimbleberries quilts are so large because they often consist of border upon border upon border, but Lynette Jensen's block designs are often quite fun--like the floral block in this quarter's pattern. Here's a look at this quarter's quilt, called Love Me Tender--

The quilt is a nice size for a table topper, small lap quilt, or a wallhanging, so it's quite useful. Last year in club, we made a BOM-type of quilt--and I didn't make the quilt. So it's been a little while since I worked on a Thimbleberries project, and I'm already behind this year--our March meeting is this week and not only do I not have the second section done, but I hadn't even started the first section that everyone showed at the last meeting. So on Sunday, I got busy making the center blocks--

A funny thing happened tonight, though. As I was adding the border/sashing around the four blocks, I remembered what I don't like about Thimbleberries Club quilts. As much as I like this quilt pattern and fabric, I suddenly remembered that hundreds of women--if not thousands--were making the same quilt as I was, using the same fabrics and the same pattern.

Yeah, that's something I've never really liked about Thimbleberries Club--and I'd totally forgotten about that!

So now I don't know. I didn't want to sew the four blocks together and move onto the next section until I thought about it a bit more, because of course I want to do something different--something so I'll be able to tell my quilt apart from the hundreds of other Love Me Tender quilts being made right now. I moved the blocks around on the design wall.

I do enjoy diagonal sets and I thought I might run something like flying geese blocks between the four floral blocks. But what will I do in the corners? I have no idea. And will my shop have more of the fabric if I need it? I guess I'm going to have to stop sewing at this point and start doing a little more thinking. And maybe looking at quilt books or magazines for ideas and inspiration.

Sometimes I think life would be so much easier if I just went along with the program. Then again, sometimes I DO go along with the program and later I wonder why--what happened to my creativity? In the long run, though, I find I'm usually happier if I step out of that "hurry up and get it done as fast as possible" mind set and invite my creative side to come out and play a little instead. I'll keep you posted about what I come up with on this project.


  1. I used to love Thimbleberries, too. I was even in a club several years ago. Until I realized I was making the same quilt as everyone else. Sound familiar? Anyways, I don't make as many as I used to and I'm trying to use up the fabric. I have no doubt that you will come up with a great creative idea.

  2. You could always get some coordinating solids to use as sashing and wouldn't some of your beautiful applique fill the corners? Good luck on your quest to be different, that often happens to me too!

  3. one of the reasons i love you so much is that you run with scissors...

  4. I personally think I like the 'flowers' better if they are all standing up! I think they kind of resemble the pattern you had fro your four leaf clover if they all go out from the center. You always find something clever to do with your quilts! you are a one of a kind and it shows in your beautiful work! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  5. I know you'll think of something wonderful!!

  6. I really like Thimbleberries & have several of Lynnette Jensen's books but i never as yet made something from them i may have use some of the blocks but that it as not sure about anyone else i find nearly all quilting books you see a quilt you like & may be others in the book yet they say they are twin or queen size ect but the sizes are different i just wish they make them universal & not change with the quilt it like they make the quilt fit the blocks ect rather than having the size first then designing within that size
    Look forward to seeing what you do next
    Hugs Janice

  7. I'm like you - if I buy a kit and take a class - the first thing I do is buy more fabric to go with what I have so mine will not be the same as everyone in the class. It's a joke with my retreat group: Everyone's kit cost $89 and Sandy's cost $150. I like the blocks on point. Go for it - you will be happier with your finished product.

  8. I totally get what you mean about know that your quilt is going to look like hundreds of others...but then you are the gal who made rabbits on crack...you'll think of something! LOL


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!