Saturday, March 10, 2012


I think I'll take a short little weekend break from Blogland. On Saturday, my stitchery gals are getting together for our monthly day of food, gossip, and fun, and I suspect I'll be feeling a bit tired and lazy Saturday night. Or, if I'm not, I'll be wired and enthusiastically working in the Sweat Shop and won't want to stop to chat. And tonight? Well, it's been a long, busy week at work as well as in the rest of my life and I'd just as soon take a bath and get to bed--no sleeping in on Saturday because I'll be packing up my projects to spend the day with my friends.

I'll be back Sunday night/Monday morning to tell you what I've been up to. In the meantime, I hope you have a lovely weekend ahead of you too!


  1. Have fun. I'll just try to think of something else to do...sob...

  2. Have a great weekend!! See you on the flip side!!! :)

  3. Good for you, enjoy your weekend!

  4. Get some rest and have fun with your quilty friends.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!