Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do You Like Puzzles?

Are you feeling lucky? Well, maybe this post is for you. But first . . . .

Remember last night's pile of charm squares? Tonight's pile has grown. I've cut 1,050 squares altogether. Maybe I should have cut more, but with considerable weight behind the effort, I was able to finally close the Thimbleberries scrap drawer and that brought this task to a close. I gotta tell you it was kind of like when people sit on their luggage to close it; you know what I mean?

So that's done for now. Of course, we all know scraps breed and grow when they're left unsupervised, so it's just a matter of time before they'll be popping right out of that drawer again. In the meantime, my floor where the scrap pile USED to be:

Yes, there's still a lot of cleaning that needs to be done, trash to be dumped, and a little more rearranging, but the end is in sight. Hallelujah!

So I thought we'd celebrate a little. I thought I'd have a little giveaway. Are giveaways getting a little old and boring around here? I know I'm starting to feel a little like a gardener with too many zucchini in August. But I hope you're still enjoying the chance of winning something. However, tonight's giveaway might take a special person. It's not for everyone. The winner will need to have some patience.

Back when I taught one of my first classes--my Spring! wallhanging pattern--I made up blocks to demonstate to the class how everything was supposed to go together. I came across the class blocks and, not wanting to make a second wallhanging, I nearly threw them out, but then I stopped myself with the thought that maybe one of you would enjoy putting the puzzle together.

The problem is that I can't swear all the pieces are there, although they SHOULD be because the bag's been in my "projects to be finished" drawer since the class.

My demo version used a variety of pastel shades for the tulips and bright green stems and leaves. Along with these block pieces, the winner will receive my pattern so he/she can figure out where each piece belongs. It will also help if the winner has a design wall or something similar to lay out the pieces.

What's here doesn't include the fabric/pieces for the rabbit or the words--it's just the pieces for the background tulips although there is green fabric for the appliqued leaves. I also didn't store any additional background fabric with the package so the winner may need to be a little creative.

What do you think? Are you up for a challenge? If so, please leave me a comment telling me you want to be entered. I'll pick a winner tomorrow night--assuming there's more than one intrepid quilter out there willing to give it a try--and announce the winner on Thursday's post.

Good luck!


  1. Ooh looks like fun, I would love to give it a go!

  2. I would love to finish putting this wall hanging together. I think it would look great on my front door. Love your colors!

  3. Spring! That is a word I like to hear. I would love to put the wall hanging together. I love puzzles, and just in time for that bunny to hop into Easter.

  4. Could use a little challenge in my life.

  5. I would love to be considered for this giveaway. It is a cold, dreary, chilly day today with more snow coming and the thought of stitching something springy just warms me up. Solving this puzzle would be wonderful.

  6. I'm a glutton for punishment, I love a challenge! I am sure that finishing the SPRING puzzle would be a lot of fun. Please put my name in the drawing.

  7. I've been admiring that pattern for some time now, trying to decide if I wanted to tackle it or not. This would be my chance. I love the colours you have picked.

  8. It looks like it would be fun to try and figure it out. Each year I want to make a Spring wallhanging, but I haven't found a pattern that I want to do. This one with the pastel colors is just my kind. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  9. That would be a fun project. I'm sure I could figure it out.


  10. I love a challenge and a cute pattern it is. Please enter me. Helen, who is looking forward to spring!

  11. What a cute pattern! I'm sure I can put together those puzzle pieces, and fill in the blanks as well!

    Thanks for the chance!

  12. Okay put my name in the hat. I am up for a challenge. I love tulips!

  13. Love those dots! I'd give it a go! Please enter me for a chance at Spring!

  14. I'm up for the challenge. Spring is always so welcome here in New York!

  15. This sounds like fun and the kinda challenge I am willing to accept. I even think that I may have some of that background fabric in my stash. It would be an adorable addition to my porch decor and bonus - half the work is already done!

  16. First, giveaways are not getting old. As for the challenge--bring it one. I always say when making a quilt they take on a mind of their own and I never know how it will turn out. So let me listen to this one and see how it wants to be finished.

  17. I'm up for the challenge. I've admired that pattern for years and saw it once made up at a local quilt show here in Maryland. Maybe this will be the kick I need to really make it.

  18. Feels like spring here in Ohio in the 50's. I am up for the challenge because I love that wall hanging. Thanks for a chance to win. Pauline

  19. What an adorable pattern! I would be up for the challenge, too! Thanks for the giveaway chance! (Love SPRING!)

  20. I love a puzzle and a challenge and the need for spring's promise - toss my name in the hat for a chance!!

  21. I am in awe that you cut out over 1000 squares. I haven't done 1000 of anything-except eat m&ms!

  22. I love a great puzzle! How cute and a great pattern to use! I wish my scraps would start to multiply! LOL I also wish I had them in a drawer, hey, maybe that is my problem! They are shy!! LOL

  23. I would love to try this wall hanging. After all the rain we have had, SPRNG would be a welcome sight!

  24. Hey Kimmie,
    That is the only pattern of your I do not have, so please enter me! Hope all is going well, miss ya, and hope to see ya soon!! Hugs!!


  25. It would be a lot of fun to make this quilt!

  26. Congrats on getting the drawer to close! The pile of Thimbleberries charms is impressive indeed and I can't wait to see what you create out of it. I would like very much to win your lovely pattern and all the yummy spring blocks and pieces! I have a Design Floor, after all...

  27. Sandy from ThimbleberriesFebruary 1, 2012 at 8:45 AM

    I am up for the challenge. I have a design wall that is waiting for a new project. Count me in.

  28. KIm it's very cold here, so a Spring Quilt would be lovely to work on.

  29. Very cute! And yay! on you to get the cutting done! I love challenges, but please don't enter me as I've already won one of your giveaways recently. Have a happy day!

  30. Oh Kim - didn't you know that "Challenge" is my middle name? I'd love to solve this puzzle. I don't have a blog so I hope this way of commenting works.

  31. I am declining since there is no cat in the picture!!!! On the other hand, I am thinking of finishing the one I began in that class....

  32. I would lve to put the quilt puzzle together. I have admired that pattern. I " need" a spring quilt!

  33. It's good to keep your brain sharp! Sounds like a challenge to me.

  34. This sounds right up my alley! I'd LOVE to put this puzzle together! :-) Thank you for the chance to win!!

  35. Looks like fun. I like to be creative with what has been left out. I appreciate your honesty in what is there and what isn't. Doesn't it feel good to clean things up? I moved my sewing room from downstairs to upstairs and now I have more space. It is also a good motivator to finish things up so you can do more new stuff! Thanks again for all your giveaways. They are fun. K-


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!