Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gōng xǐ fā cái!

Congratulations and be prosperous! I had an email tonight from my former boss who's now living in China. It's nearly the start of the Chinese New Year and the celebrations have begun. The fireworks are sure to be incredibly impressive and are set off all over the place. It must be a lot of fun to be a part of such a large celebration--a bit like a cross between Christmas and a week long 4th of July celebration.

Sadly, though, that means it's the end of the year of the rabbit and the beginning of the year of the dragon. With that in mind, it's time I finish up the crack(ed) rabbit applique quilt, right? Luckily, that's what I have planned for the weekend.

After having a very dry winter the last couple months, a storm finally moved into our area on Thursday, and the rainy weather makes it the perfect time to hang out in the Sweat Shop and sew the day away.

I'm getting close to finishing. I measured the quilt center tonight and calculated what needs to be done to add the borders. The outer borders are appliqued and ready, and two of the four corners are done as well.

Let me show you one little part I've changed since you last saw the quilt. Here's the "before" photo of the section I've been working on:

And here's the "after" photo:

I replaced the too-light egg car connectors with something that shows up a little better and added the chick with balloons to that open space--it always bothered me a bit but especially after I put the rest of the quilt top together and it felt like something was missing there.

There's another section near the top that I plan to "fix" but I haven't gotten to that part yet--this weekend, I think. At least I have a very good idea of what I want to do in that section too, and I don't think it will take too long if it works as I think it will.

What do you have planned for the weekend? How about going out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant in celebration of upcoming the New Year? Not a bad idea! I think I might have to do that myself. Hot and sour soup on a rainy night? Yum! Saturday's shaping up to be an excellent day.


  1. it's snowing here and will be snowing most of the day so no going out for me. I'll be inside, cleaning the house and doing some sewing. :)

  2. snow, snow & two below but they are calling for 40 by Sunday! LOL This has been the wierdest winter in IL EVER!!! I was supposed to have a sit and sew with my 'Next Generation Quilters' but we postponed it to next Friday! Bad Bad streets! Have a very productive evening! I hope my stuck in the house Saturday is productive as well!!

  3. Glad I could help you with your rabbit quilt - it is looking so carrotty (new word) good!! That little chick with the balloon is waiting for the train - love it!

    Off I go to the sewing room - blue skies and bright snow on the ground and about 12 degrees!!! I'm staying in!

  4. Hoping we get some snow this weekend - there's a very good chance tonight and into tomorrow - yahoooooo. I'm in love with this quilt and can not wait to see the finished design. I'm assuming and hoping there will be a pattern down the road - please :)


  5. I like the changes to the bunny quilt! Oh, the year of the dragon coming up! That's nice, since my daughter and I are both year of the dragon babies!

    Check out my piece-fulness blog...went to the Tucson Quilt Show today!

  6. HI Kim,
    Did you get out for Chinese dinner- A local Rotary group was doing a fund raiser so a group us from School attended a Chinese New Year dinner. The food was yummy- 10 different dishes shared among 10 people. Lots of choices that made the evening fun. We have been a few times- the money raised helps kids and families so it is all for a good cause and a fun evening.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!