Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Feeling Human Again

I don't have anything interesting to tell you about my day because I didn't do anything interesting and I've been feeling too ill to put any effort into making up a good story. Not that I ever do, of course, although Hubby would probably like you to believe some of the stuff I say about him is made up. It's not.

I'm finally starting to feel more human tonight, and I expect I'll go back to work tomorrow. I might even do something interesting. In the meantime, all I have for you is a link to website called Damn You Auto Correct.

Whenever I want to laugh so hard that tears run down my face and I can't breathe without getting up and walking away from the computer screen, I pop over and read a few of the latest postings. I should warn you, though, that most are pretty off color, but that's what makes them so funny.

And while we're on the subject of Hubby, he came into the room a couple minutes ago to see my shoulders heaving and hear me crying. Of course, he was concerned until he asked me what was wrong, and I told him I'd just been reading Auto Correct again. "Well, don't DO that," he said. "It worries me when I think something's wrong!" Poor guy. But after all, isn't laughter the best medicine?


  1. I love that page! It cracks me up!! My brother has sent me some that have been auto corrected and they make me laugh as well!! Darn auto correct!! LOL

  2. I have the same response when I go to that website! Tears from laughing so hard!

    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Laughing until you cry is good for the soul!

  4. I always claim my "P" button sticks, it is in way my fault.
    I was texting my BFF. I had meant to say "You hope". what was actually sent "You ho". I didn't even think my new iphone knew such a word.
    Then a week or so later, while texting another friend, she had mentioned that she had been working 2 weeks straight. My response to her, "all work and no play", but again the "P" button stuck and didn't actually show.
    Of course both friends have since forgiven me, after I explained the the "P" button was faulty.


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