Monday, January 30, 2012

And On and On . . . .

Another day spent in the Sweat Shop. I guess it's better than cleaning the house . . . although that needs to be done too!

I spent all of today cutting Thimbleberries scraps into usable pieces so I can fit the rest into the Thimbleberries scrap drawer. In the meantime, the Sweat Shop still looks like a bomb exploded in there, and walking around can be hazardous.

I've uploaded a few more things to my Etsy shop--please visit to see what's there--there might just be a treasure waiting for you! Besides the things I've decided I need to let go, I uploaded a couple of spring patterns and kits. You can click over to the shop through the link in the sidebar.

Now for the winners of giveaways I posted the other day. If I announce you won, please email me your mailing address and remind me which group you won, and I'll get your "prize" in the mail to you in the next couple days.

Group A: Janet. Janet said, "Choices choices ... I'll toss my hat into the ring for group A - I've been into cheddar lately! Dang, that was tough! Thanks for the opportunity!"

Group B: Sandie. Sandie said, "Oh my goodness, you know I love Thimbleberries! Group B is calling me because I know I have those patterns! Thanks for the chance!"

Group C: CarrieBeeCrafts, who said "I would love to be entered in Group C! Pretty border :) P.S. I understand the chair cover is not included in the giveaway, but I couldn't help but mention how cute it is!" (My response: Thanks! I made it several years ago to cover torn upholstery on a chair that's still wonderful otherwise. And it's washable and reversible.)

Group D: Wanda. Wanda said, "Wow! Thank you for thinking of us. I want to make this easy. I love several. To try to pick is hard but I would love to have the gadgets if you pick me. Thank you again."

Group E: Dianne, who said, "grrr! blogger is eating comments again... Group E ... i LOVE Group E!!! does that make me a groupie?"

Group F: Josie. Josie said, "Again with the reds in group F! Love the red and Aqua!!!"

Group G: Phyllis, who said, "Love all the groupings but group G is calling to me. I thank you."

Congrats to the winners! And for those of you who didn't win, I have a couple more things coming up soon. And remember: To claim your win, you must come back here and email me--I won't get in touch with you. If I don't hear from any of the winners by late Thursday, I'll pick a second place winner from those who have entered.

I'd better get back to the Sweat Shop--it's not going to clean itself, and since I'm not the only quilter in Blogland cleaning out her quilt domain, I think the Quiltmaker's Elves must be busy helping someone else. At any rate, they sure haven't visited me so far, but there's always tonight, I suppose.


  1. Packed my sewing room today cause we are moving later in the week. I miss it already! Hope your clear out makes yours better than ever.

  2. Woohooo.... yay for me! Thanks, Kim! I'll send my address in a moment!

  3. YA to all the winners! (me included LOL)

  4. If the Quiltmaker's Elves get to your house, and you are done with them, please send them over to Ohio. I need help also. Thanks for sharing. Congrats to all the winners.

  5. Whoohoo! Thank you so much!! I'll be sending an email shortly. :-)

    About the Elves~ they don't stop here either, I think I need to set out a few mini quilts. ;)

    Have a happy week!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!