Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekends Go By WAAAAAAY Too Fast!

I finished up the last of the Christmas decorating today and then I worked on the apples. Remember my excursion to Apple Hill a couple weeks ago? Well, I've had half a box of apples sitting in my garage since, waiting for me to find time to bake them into scrumptious treats. I tooks some photos, but I haven't uploaded them yet--I'll show you what I made later. But I have to tell you that as I'm writing this post, I'm eating a half of one of those little pies I showed you before--but apple this time instead of blackberry. Still, yum! Especially with a little ice cream on top.

There's always so much to do at this time of the year, and the weekends just pass too quickly, don't they? I've been working on another quilt project that I'm anxious to get done--it will be my "10 of 11 in '11" because it's one I started about ten years ago, and if I finally get it finished, it will be quite an accomplishment!

Some of you asked me to demonstrate that swirly quilting design you've seen in some of my projects, like the Christmas quilt. I'm using it again in the current project, and I've taken photos. So a tutorial should be along sometime this week.

Now you're probably wondering about the winner of the pillow stitchery kit, right? Well, it's Karen of Briarside Lane. She said, "Yes, I DO remember this pillow and thought, 'Oh, how cute, and I wonder if I could make one up simply from your photo.' Now you have one to give away. I'd love the kit... thanks for the chance." Karen, email me your mailing address and I'll get this out to you quickly.

Now, another little giveaway. As I'm cleaning stuff out, I'm hoping to find homes from some of the things I don't have room for--at some point, you just have to quilter-up and realize you're never going to make all the things that have caught your attention. So, in the next week or two, I'll probably be giving away some random things, like patterns and maybe some orphan blocks or projects. This giveaway though, isn't quite like that. When I was putting up the Christmas things, I realized that somehow I had ended up with two of these books:

The book is used and is a couple years old, so maybe I picked it up somewhere, thinking I'd give it to a quilting friend, and it somehow ended up on my bookshelf. This is the book about a fugitive slave, Joanna, who makes her way to Elm Creek Farm. If you'd like a chance to win--and again, you'll need a US postal address--please leave me a comment indicating you want to be entered in the drawing. I'll pick a winner tomorrow night and make the announcement on Tuesday's post.

As this weekend is just about over, it's time for me to get ready for bed. Thanks for stopping by to visit!



  1. you are so right Kim, the weekends go to fast and there is always more left to do. I would love to read that book. Thank you for the chance.

  2. I would love to read this book. I have so enjoyed looking at your decorated house. Such inspiration. I haven't started yet but hopefully this week it will get done.

  3. I would love this book -- I am planning a vacation for next year and it would be great to have it to read on the plane

  4. I would love to read this book. Not only do weekends fly by, it seems it was July just yesterday!

  5. Some of the quilters in my group were talking about her last meeting! One of our members (who is a journalits for our local newspaper) just interviewed Jennifer Chiaverini!! I think she just had another book come out recently! I would love to read it!!

  6. Had to babysit granddaughter on Saturday so it was more like I only got one day for this weekend to get my laundry and stuff done...but times with her are precious. Looks like a nice book!

  7. Not only do the weekends go by fast, but I think the months are flying by as well. How did we wind up in December already?! Thanks for a chance to win the book.

  8. You are one busy lady - we are too. In the last full day here and completing a number of home repair projects and finishing a second quilt. I am in heaven. Hugs!

  9. I would love to read this book. Christmas is just 20 days from today. Are you ready? I am thinking of putting a Kindle on my Christmas list. What is on your Christmas list?

  10. I'd love to read this book, please enter me in the drawing. And I can't wait to see the tutorial on the swirly quilting design! I love your tutorials!! Thanks, Deborah

  11. Please enter me. Love that series and I would read this one over again. I listened to the audio version the first time I read it. I too need to do a sewing room over-haul. That is my plan the day after Christmas.

  12. I enjoy Jennifer Chiaverini's books, but have not yet read this one. Would love the chance to win it, please enter me in your drawing.
    Sandy E-H in Northern MN

  13. Oooh something new to read! Thank you for the chance to win.

  14. I would read this and pass it on.
    Count me in!


  15. Oooo! This is one I haven't read. I'd love the opportunity to win it. You are so generous. Thank you!

  16. Apples and books! Quilts and Christmas! So many good things. The book is a good one- I love the series and I think I own, and have read them all!

  17. Love all Jennifer's books. I haven't read this one and would be very happy to take it off your hands and out of your book case. Thank you for a wonderful blog. My daily read!

  18. Kim, I love your zany way of writing! You have a great sense of humor. I would love to read this book, as I am always looking for books with characters that are of color. Thanks for a chance at winning it!

    Doris R.

  19. Yes, not only are the weekends going fast, so is December!! I would love to add this Jennifer C book to my library. Absolutely enjoy reading all her books so far.! Count me in.
    Thanks for the daily blog, really enjoy your adventures!!!

  20. Congratulations to Karen! I've read The Lost Quilter, so please don't add me to the hat. Have a happy day! :-)

  21. I am in the thick of decorating and have enjoyed watching your house come together. I would love to read the book, please put me in the drawing.

  22. Hi Kim! I would LOVE to have the book. I am collecting the series and don't have that one in my stash yet.

    Sandy A

  23. I enjoyed your update, Kim! Those quilting projects sometimes take up years of working time, don't they!? I have so many UFO's! I look forward to seeing what you are doing with the apples, also. Have a great week!

  24. Hi Kim,
    Not interested in the book, but very interested in the swirly quilting that you do, so looking forward to your tutorial. Thank you for being so generous with your creativity, gifts, and most especially the gift of time that you give us every day when you sit down to write your blog. Cheers!
    Pam in Sacramento

  25. I have never read one of Jennifer's books so I know it would be a treat to win.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!