Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Short Stuff

I'm going to make this post pretty brief, because THIS Santa's elf has a lot to do and needs to get to sleep eventually. There were a couple questions about the tree quilt I showed you yesterday: how I quilted it and what the pattern was. Sorry--sometimes I just forget anyone else might be interested. The quilting pattern I used for everything but the trees and border was that swirly snow pattern that I did the little tutorial on a week or so ago. Then on the trees, I just did straight lines down from the point in each section to the bottom edge, making the lines about 1" to 1-1/2" apart at the bottom edge of the triangles. The pattern is called Trees Up, Lights On by Sandy Gervais/Pieces from my Heart and it's one of her stack and slice patterns, similar to the method used in some of the Buggy Barn patterns. It's a really fun and different way of piecing--try it if you haven't already. I've taught a couple classes on it; next time I make a quilt of this type, I'll try to remember to do a tutorial.

Now, here are those random patterns I'd like to give away:

There's a sampler quilt in the center; on the right is a pattern called Loon Lake--I'd categorize it as a country applique pattern; and on the left is a mystery quilt. Of course, if you get the mystery quilt pattern, you just need to look at the last page to see what it looks like, but I won't show you in case you don't want to find out yet. Also, if you're part of a group or teach quilt classes, it might be a fun one to have to offer to others--I got it from a mystery quilt class I took.

I'm giving each pattern away separately and you need to tell me in your comment which pattern you'd like to win. And if you really want more than one (you greedy little quilter! LOL!), then leave a comment for each entry. The way I do these is to move the comments that come into my email into a separate folder, so for this one, there will be three different giveaway folders, and I can't move one comment to more than one folder. Make sense?

I'll draw winners tomorrow night and announce the winners in my Wednesday post, so please check back to see if you got lucky! As for me, it's back to the Sweat Shop for more elfishly magical fun. (The magic comes in trying to figure out how I can get it all done before Christmas!)


  1. I'd love to win the mystery quilt pattern. I'm always looking for program projects for my quilt guild.

    Merry Christmas.


  2. I would to win the Sampler pattern. I love making Sampler quilts.

  3. Would love to try the Mystery quilt with our small quilt group. We are always looking for fun projects to do together, thanks for the chance! Your blog is always fun and often inspiring to read, thanks for your time!! :) Merry Christmas!

  4. Please put me in for the mystery quilt pattern. I love a good mystery. Thank you!

  5. yes I am going to be a greedy one I do also love a sampler because i am new and stil learning! What better way to learn than to try several different ones! (but I am not a country gal, so I draw my limit at the two entries!)

  6. Thanks for the chance to win, I love to do "Sampler" quilts, so you can put me in for that pattern.
    Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

  7. I like the loon lake pattern. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  8. I am going to be greedy and sign up for all three. I would like Loon lake, because my brother and his wife just moved to Alaska and it would fit right in, since he is a big fisher and hunter and they are living on the edge of the wilderness. Thanks for the chance.

  9. I would like the Sampler pattern, because my first "real" quilt (other than the basic squares quilt and tied with yarn), is wearing out. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I would like the mystery pattern, because I like to see the end project. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Kimmie,

    I think the Sampler is right up my alley!! Hugs!!


  12. Loon Lake is talking to me -- I think it is the bear that's talking, the moose just seems to mumble -- anyway I would love to have this pattern and thanks for your giveaway!

  13. I'm a sucker for mystery quilts. Seriously, it's a problem (could there be a 12-step program in my future?) Thanks for your kind generosity - Merry Christmas!
    - sunshdws at yahoo dot com

  14. I would love to win the mystery quilt. My favorite type of quilt. Thanks, Marge

  15. Kim, please sign me up for Loon Lake. It looks cute. Thanks.

  16. I`d love the Sampler pattern.Thanks for the chance to win.Merry Christmas!

  17. If I were to win, then Loon Lake would be my choice. Have a great Christmas.

  18. I love mystery quilt pasttern to see how it looks like when is reveled.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. I would love to win Loon Lake! Thanks for the chance ;)

  20. I'd like to be in the mystery hat too. Sounds intriguing. :-) It would be fun to do it with a few friends. Have fun withe the elf magic, but be careful~ it is powerful stuff! ;-)

  21. The mystery quilt would be fun. And would you please do a tutorial and tell us how you move comments into folders.

  22. If I were chosen, I would like the Loon Lake pattern. It fits our area up North and I would love to make it for a family member. SusieC

  23. Thanks for the giveaway. I love Loon Lake because it reminds me of my cousin's cabin that we used to visit in the summer and because we love Moose! We have a collection of all kinds of Moose. Have a Merry Christmas and a healthy and Hapy New Year!

  24. These all look like fun! I'd enjoy winning the sampler pattern

  25. ...but I do love a good mystery...


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!