Saturday, December 3, 2011

OMG, I'm a Hoarder!

A couple days ago, I finished quilting and binding the Christmas quilt. As I was quilting it, I noticed the white base of my Juki was slowly turning pink over time, so I thought I'd better be careful when I first washed the quilt in case the red backing fabric bled. The backing was a wide Moda marble--I didn't really expect Moda to bleed, but you never know. And seeing that pink was kind of scary!

Here's a photo of the quilt on the bed after it was successfully washed. I still need to do a couple more things to decorate in the master bedroom, but this part's done. I'll probably show you a couple more photos this weekend.

With the completion of this quilt, I've finished 9 of the 11 quilts I was striving for this year. It's not looking like I'll make 11, but there's still time for me to finish one more, maybe!

Anyway, when I was ready to wash the Christmas quilt, I went hunting for the Dye Magnet sheets I knew I had, but I couldn't remember where they were. All I recalled was that when I'd first bought the package, I kept them on a shelf in the Sweat Shop, so of course that's where I looked first.

The problem was that I'd been keeping a lot of stuff on that shelf. And the way everything was jammed into that space, I'm pretty sure I must have been a squirrel in a previous lifetime because it looked just like a nut hidey hole!

Over the years, I've kept large plastic bags in case I want to use them to keep everything together for various quilt projects. I just never realized how many bags I'd kept. By the time I pulled everything out, here's the pile of stuff I had:

Bags, Steam-a-Seam, chunks of freezer paper, baggies with applique templates, and several other miscellaneous items. Gosh, I'm kind of embarrassed! Really, I had no idea I'd shoved so much stuff into such a small space! And the Dye Magnets weren't even there--I finally found them in the garage with our other laundry products.

I'm happy to report that my plastic bag stash is now tidied up and whittled down, and that spot on the shelf is much more organized now. I have a couple more drawers in the Sweat Shop that I should sort out--I think this might have given me the motivation I need, unless I just get too busy getting ready for Christmas. But I'm going to try. How about you? Are you a hoarder too?


  1. Yes, sadly I am a hoarder. I struggle against it. I am a child of parents raised during the depression and they were hoarders too. My dad was a CPA and hoarded tax returns from the 1940s and property tax records from the 1890s. My mom was a seamstress/weaver/quilter and basket-maker and hoarded everything. I hoard fabric. I have not bought anything on line in months, and only bought a bundle of 24 fat quarters today at the Tuesday Morning store because they didn't know what they were selling and gave it to me for less than $9 (nice line from Free Spirit). I sew for charity and I'm trying to sew it up but will have to live to be 125 to use it all.

  2. I love that quilt on your bed. The whole room is a Christmas delight!

  3. Like pcflamingo, I'll have to live to 125 to use up the fabric I have on hand. The problem is, I don't like most of it anymore. Also, like you, I'm working at reorganizing and thinning out my tools and plastic bags. I can't believe I save plastic bags!

  4. I say "Yes"! I'm the queen of stuffing things away, jamming here and there. Like you I don't remember how much "stuff" I really have until I have to pull it out to find something, then it's like OMG, there's too much stuff.

  5. my name is Anna, and I'm a horder...I am gonna do a blog on plastic bag control! lol

  6. Oh my goodness, yes I am a hoarder of stuff, but I continuously struggle to not be. My MIL is a hoarder. Her house is stuffed full and I mean full of things that most of us would consider trash. So every time I think of her house, I start getting rid of some of my stuff. I love the quilt on your bed. It sure makes your room look Christmasy.

  7. My mom is a hoarder. I, on the other hand, am a minimalist! But as I look around my sewing room, many people may not agree with that!

  8. I used to be a hoarder! My hubby made me whittle down and get realistic (his comments). Now I wish I had some of the stuff I got rid of...I have the perfect project for them! My hubby doesn't believe me....

  9. Am I a hoarder, too???? You have NO idea!! I don't even want to talk about it.
    Love your Christmas quilt.

  10. yup! and sometime plastic baggies are the worst! My kids used to bring stuff home frome school in them and well, they weren't dirty so I would put them in a pile so they could be 'reused'! But fo course they could not be used for food and who in to world needs 100 baggies hangin around! But i do also go through fits of 'throw eveerything outitis'! So Maybe I balance it out... kind of!!

  11. I actually like it when I loose things, I find something new every time but sorry not a hoarder. Love the new quilt on the bed.

  12. Your bedroom looks lovely. I never decorate bedrooms, only the common areas. Feeling very hoarderish just now as every closet, shelf, drawer and cupboard seems full to bursting. Luckily my DH insists on both cars being in the garage so it isn't filled up too! We are the only folks on the block with two cars in the garage, and only a couple of folks actually keep even ONE car garaged. I think that's pretty common in CA where there are no attics or basements of any size generally!

  13. Yes, I admit, I'm a hoarder too. But like some other commentors, I can live to be 125 and probably still have enough fabric left for a couple of more quilts. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Hoarder, pack rat, keeper of stuff - yeah, that me but I prefer the label "collector" - sounds so much more refined - LOL!

  15. Yes, I tend to be a bit of a pack rat myself. Should be interesting once I really get the hang of quilting! LOL


  16. Your finished quilt is beautiful! I'm so glad it didn't bleed. I find myself saving odd items in my sewing room too. I was on a serious plastic bag and mailing envelope kick while I participated in online bees. I finally culled my collection after they ended.

  17. Sadly, me too. I am making a plan to thin things out after the holidays in the sewing room; patterns, fabric and scraps. #9 is a great finish. I love the cheeriness of the bedroom and not being the "traditional" Christmas colors.

  18. A hoarder? Of course I am! Sometimes I think it's another word for quilter, or knitter, stitcher or an other kind of crafter! I have a drawer like your shelf.

  19. You think that is hoadering, eh????! LOL
    Your quilt is amazing! Congrats on #9 - you go girl! I admire your desire to do what you have done this past year. For me it has been a wonderful year to follow your completions.

  20. So we agree we are all hoarders! BUT I bet none of us look like the ones on that horrid show on TV. I will not watch it, I can walk anywhere in my house and not see garbage! (Just books and fabric and cooking stuffn and collections neatly displayed!)

  21. Lately I've been reading about people who try to whittle their stuff down to just 100 things. Well forget that! LOL


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