Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Old Gray Mare . . .

Last night was Girls' Bowling Night. The "girls" consisted of me, my friend Lisa, my sister-in-law, the Wild Child, the Lovely Wife to be Someday (who, by the way, is finally sporting a beautiful diamond engagement ring after what's already been a long-ish engagement), and my 13-year-old niece who's never bowled before. Me? Well, it's been a few years. In my time, when I bowled on a league, I had a high game once of 248. My average was around 160. It's been awhile, though.

About 25 years, in fact.

The short of it is I have a new New Year's resolution: to get more exercise than what I get from the sport of extreme quilting.

I'm not very good about resolutions, though, so let's just say I'm thinking about it. And losing some weight would be good too.

The longer of it? On the third frame (first and only game of the night), I was still kind of tentative about bending (afraid I wouldn't be able to straighten back up) and thought the weight of the ball (after losing strength in my wrist from carpal tunnel surgery) might cause me to release it on the back swing and kill someone. And those darn rental shoes tend to stick, right? (Besides the fact that I always feel like I'm wearing CLOWN shoes!) So anyway, I was trying to bend but not bend too much, and not stick or accidentally let go of the ball, and somehow I twisted my left leg, felt the kind of pain you get with a Charley horse in the calf, and thought I felt a bit of a POP.

I'm better tonight. Last night, though, I had to stop bowling and limp around instead. There was more limping today. But I'm hopeful it's nothing serious after all--that POP kind of alarmed me.

One of the attorneys at my office--who bowls on occasion--cautioned me not to hurt myself playing Tiddly Winks this weekend. I swear I'm the Rodney Dangerfield of the office (without the weird eyes): I don't get much respect.

I don't really like New Year's resolutions though. Too much pressure, and they just set a person up to fail. But I'm going to give it a shot. Because at this rate, Lord only knows what might happen if I ever go miniature golfing. I figure that's probably a death event.

I DO like to make quilting resolutions, although I call them "plans" or maybe "goals" if I'm feeling really ambitious. I'll tell you about my plan for 2012 tomorrow. Tonight, though, I wonder: Do you have any (non-quilting) New Year's resolutions for the coming year?


  1. Your description of bowling made me chuckle! Actually, the last time I bowled--about ten years ago-- I did something to my knee and ended up in an immobilizer! I do make resolutions, but sadly I rarely meet them.

  2. Can I just tell you , my husband and I USED to bowl all the time (however he is good and I am NOT). I bowled when I was pregnant with three out of four of my kids. My last two are only 15 months apart and do you know I always put my hand on my knee to 'balance' the baby belly... long story short my 'baby' is now ten and I STILL put my hand on my knee to 'balance' the baby belly!! LOL

  3. I was feeling kind of perky this morning until I starting thinking about your question - right now I am rebelling and not gona do it. LOL

  4. I'm with ya girlfriend!!! More exercise less sticky buns! When I bowl I like them to put up the bumper helps so much with the score!

  5. Too funny! Weekend sporting sure results in lots of injuries all over the world. Yes, quilting is not much of an action sport, though I set myself up so that I must stand and walk around my sewing desk to get to my ironing board and since there are stairs in my house and my quilting things are in three different rooms that means a bit more exercise at times :) My non-quilting resolutions are to pare down possessions (except for fabric, of course) and conquer the mail monster. Congratulations to your son and future DIL!

  6. After reading the title of your post I thought you were going to tell folks about Suzan - here -

  7. Definitely resolving to lose some weight! I love your description of the sport of "extreme quilting" - so apt!!! Like you though, it is not helping me weight-wise. We bought ourselves an XB360 with Kinect so I can begin adding some exercise to my day and get more physically fit. After all, I need to be strong and healthy for all the "extreme quilting" I plan to do in 2012!!!

  8. I guess that I'll have to say that I've got to lose weight for the new year. I'm having trouble getting health insurance because of the weight - doesn't matter that I have only been to the doctors twice in the last 19 years. Once for fractured wrist and the other time to get a wart/mole cut off. Thanks for sharing AND be careful out there. Have a great New year.

  9. My goal this year is to get more exercise and eat healthy,maybe that will help me have more energy for quilting and spending time with the grands.
    Happy Quilting and Happy New Year!!!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sorry I had to delete that comment. I can't start the New Year out with spelling errors!

    I'm not a bowler. I played once, broke 100 and retired.

    My resolution? To try to quilt more and get out there and take more classes for the camaraderie.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!