Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Number Ten

After writing last night, I went to bed and slept for ten hours or so, although I kept waking up all night long, and when it was FINALLY time to get up in the morning, I was running a bit of a fever. So I called in sick and curled up on the couch and read most of the morning. In the afternoon, the fever subsided, and I felt a little better, so I headed into the Sweat Shop to watch some TV and finish this project:

I'm counting this one as my 10th of 11 quilts in 2011. Why? Well, I started it ten years ago. I got as far as adding the embroidered ivy stems when I decided I didn't like one of the borders I had used. I set it aside.

A couple years later, I took it out again and removed the offending border. But I couldn't decide on anything else, so I set it aside again.

I've gotten it back out a time or two, but didn't do anything more until this year--finally! With my stitchery group on Saturday, I finished the embroidered ivy stem, and that night, I added a border and pinned it for quilting. On Sunday, I cut all the wool ivy leaves and started sewing them down while quilting the rest. Today I finished quilting the outside border and added the binding. After all these years, it really feels like a pretty big accomplishment to know it's done now.

Tonight I finished another little project I'd begun last year and set aside:

The snowman just needed borders, quilting, and binding--he only took a couple hours to finish. Sometimes I wonder why I don't finish things when I have them out to begin with--after all, it's not like these two projects took a whole lot of time! Crazy, isn't it? But it's good to have them done now.

I have another Christmas quilt top--wallhanging size--that I'm thinking I need to pull out and take a look at to see what remains to be done. Maybe I could finish that one too!

In the meantime, I have another giveaway--the pattern for the English Ivy Santa. But first, I should announce the winner of the frog pattern, yes?

To change things up a little, tonight I asked the Wild Child to select the winning number and the winner was Belinda, who said:

"2nd Try at leaving a comment :-) I would love the opportunity to make this quilt for my daughter. She loves frogs and has forever! What says love more then a big frog to keep you warm. Plus - Everytime I quilt, it is not complete unless I do a great deal of "FROG STITCHING" rip it..... Thanks for your blog, I have enjoyed it for a long time."

Belinda, email me your mailing address, and I'll mail "Frog Cabin" (that's the name of the pattern--I forgot to mention that last night!) out to you.

Now, here's tonight's giveaway pattern:

If you're interested in winning, please let me know you want to be added to the drawing. I'll pick a winner tomorrow night. By the way, this pattern can also be used as a stitchery pattern, rather than an appliqued quilt. And I'm willing to mail this one to the US or Canada. Good luck!


  1. Kim , your projects are always so wonderful. How do you find the time?
    Thank you for the chance to win. I would love to make that for my daughters first christmas in her new home.

  2. Count me in for the drawing. This wall hanging would be great for my mother for next Christmas.

  3. So Kim -- you took an embroidered Santa face and made a full-bodied Santa quilt?? It's awesome! And with your deer looking up at him is perfect! Thank you again for your continued inspiration. Florence (Please don't include me in your drawing)

  4. I love that snowman!!!!! Glad you are feeling better. You can add me to the giveaway :)

  5. I'd love to win that Santa pattern! Is the 10th of 11 also a Curtis Boehringer pattern? I think I have that one (or a similar one) somewhere!

    Thanks for the opportunity ... no doubt now that you'll make the 11 goal!

  6. So enjoy seeing your projects, thanks for the giveaway opportunity. Glad you're feeling better and on target to making your ambitious resolution goal. My son is in awe of your bunny quilt and is always thrilled when I show him a new post from you on it.

  7. Kim, I have loved your blog since forever. Actually since before the house plant on Viagra! Still laugh about that. I would love to have the wallhanging pattern. Toni in TN.

  8. I would love that pattern. It is so cute and although I've been quilting for years, I've only just started into stitchery!
    Conny from Red Deer, Alberta

  9. I would love to win the Santa pattern. I collect everythinf with Santa's and even a basket of such patterns looks good for a decoration. Merry Christmas from North Bay, Ont. Canada.

  10. he is super cute! would love a chance at him! I think I have decided i liek my applique!

  11. Second try at leaving a comment - are you on the mend or do I need to bring in Chicken Soup - please call me at the shop today. Great quilts/wall hangings. Well done!

  12. I just love your little snowman! The santa isn't something I would make, so don't count me in the draw. I just wanted to compliment your snowman!

  13. Sending healing thoughts your way! Hope you're feeling better. Your quilts are so pretty. Thank you for the generous giveaway and Happy Holidays!

  14. I would love to win Father Christmas, because, one of my favorite CHristmas songs is I Believe in Father Christmas by ELP! Hugs!!


  15. I'd love to win this. I love all of the patterns in this series. I had ordered them from the company a number of years backalong with the angel series, but for some reason, they never were shipped and calls were left unanswered.

  16. My goodness you are doing a good job of finishing up projects! That is always such a good feeling,
    and like you,I always wonder why I didn't finish it up instead of setting a project aside. I guess the call of starting something new.
    This little Father Christmas quilt is so cute, would love to win your giveaway and create the quilt for Christmas 2012.
    Sandy E-H in Northern MN

  17. Ooh, I love this English Ivy Father Christmas quilt and would like to be entered in your giveaway. I try to make a Santa something every year and he would be a great addition to the collection.

  18. Oh that Santa is adorable. I would love to win. Thank you for the chance!

  19. You are just chekcing things off of your unfinished list aren't you! I am glad that your fever is gone and you are feeling better.

  20. English Ivy Santa is right up my alley! I love Christmas, Santa, and gardening so add me to your giveaway list.

  21. Congratulations to Belinda! I would love to be added in this drawing~ your Santa is wonderful. Thanks for the chance! Glad you are feeling better. :-)

  22. You have such a diversity of pattern interests! I love it! My sister is a santa collector and this would be so nice to do for her. Thanks for these giveaways.

  23. Hi Kim
    I'm not interested in winning but wanted to pop over to tell you that I posted a blurp about your blog at the end of the giveaway post I have today.

  24. Hi Kim... hope you are feeling much better.
    And congrats to Belinda!
    Since I won the pillow stitchery pattern previously, just skip me on this give-away... but that Santa is reeeeeally cute.

  25. I would so love to be included in your drawing! I saw the pic of your finished project and was going to see if I could find it - it's perfect! So, maybe the fates will smile and I can win, but if not, the generous though was great and I can see the info on the name of the pattern and can get it online if I don't!

    I always enjoy your "stuff"! So talented!

    Cindy in SC

  26. Please include me in the drawing - Santa looks like he'd be fun to recreate!

  27. Please, please, please! I would LOVE this pattern :)

    I think your 10 in 11 is a great acomplishment.

  28. Your quilts are beautiful, Kim! But you need to stop being like me and procrastinating...finish those projects! LOL

    Please enter me in the giveaway for that pretty pattern!


  29. I would love to win this pattern. It reminds me of my Granny and her Christmas decorations.
    As a side note: I am amazed by your productivity.

  30. Congratulations on completing your 10th quilt- That is terrific Kim. Sorry to see that you are not feeling well- glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. This is a very pretty pattern- someone is going to enjoy making this beautiful Santa pattern.
    Thanks for sharing it.

  31. Please include me in your giveaway for Father Christmas. I am a Santa collector and have over 200 of them.

  32. Your "completed" Santa wall hanging is wonderful ~ u are truly creative! I would love to win the pattern. Thanx & I hope that you are 100% soon! Penny in So CA


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!